WMR968, extra sensor #2 Graph Spikes

WD v10.13a and later, Extra Sensor Real Time Graph OS WMR968, extra sensor #2 temperature and humidity display wild spikes. See:

WMR968 extra sensor #2 temperature and humidity appear on Setup Extra sensor real time graph as Sensor #5 & #6.

WMR968 extra sensor #1 temperature and humidity appear on Setup Extra sensor real time graph as Sensor #3 & #4. WMR968 extra sensor #3 temperature and humidity appear on Setup Extra sensor real time graph as Sensor #7 & #8 and display properly on the Extra Sensor Real Time Graph.
I have WMR968 extra sensor #3 in use as a solar sensor in a jar.

Tried changing sensors. Any WMR968 extra sensor set as channel 2 fails

was it ok (and can you check) before 10.13?
i think i know what i changed (to do with extra temperature values in the client raw file)

WD v10.12z was good.
WD v10.13a - v10.15z is/was not good.

are the values always ok on the main screen though?

i have made some changes
uploading 10.16 beta now
keep an eye out for it and try that one

are the values always ok on the main screen though?
All values are good. Only the graph plot is not proper for channel 2.
are the values always ok on the main screen though?
Not with 10.16 beta on the Extra sensor real time graph. Still have spikes with 10.16 beta. Looks like 10.16 beta has readings from WMR968 extra sensor #2 (temperature and humidity) reversed with WMR968 extra sensor #3 on the Extra sensor real time graph.

See: http://littleswitzerlandweather.info/extrarealtimegraph.gif

What ever controls the graph plot of the WMR968 extra sensor #2 temperature and humidity (appear on Setup Extra sensor real time graph as Sensor #5 & #6) is resulting in spikes on the extra sensors real time graph.

I have extra sensors 1 & 2 placed side by side on a table inside the house. Extra sensor #3 is in use as a solar sensor in a jar outside in the sun.

Only the graph is corrupt. When the view WMR918/68 extra sensors is selected the readings displayed are proper for each sensor. Extra sensor readings are also correct when displayed on the main screen above the wind speed dial.

BTW The file c:\wdisplay\webfiles\extrarealtimegraph.gif is not exactly the same view as displayed under WD, View, Extra sensor real time graph. The values for WMR968 extra sensor #2 temperature and humidity (appear on Setup Extra sensor real time graph as Sensor #5 & #6) are different.
Compare http://littleswitzerlandweather.info/extrarealtimegraph.gif
With http://littleswitzerlandweather.info/img/xs2spikeb.gif
and http://littleswitzerlandweather.info/img/extrarealtimegraph.gif
Look at the time and date at the bottom of the graphs.

i will have a look at what i have done and compare to an older version…

i have done comparisons with an older backup, 10.12t, and so i am sure I have it Ok now
in a new 10.16a beta, uploading now…


Weather Display 10.16b
Version on 23. August 2004 - 23:42:56 hr
Looks good. Thank you. :smiley:

thats good :wink: