Wm918/wx200 forecast tag

is there a custom web page tag fore the forecast from the wm918/wx200 stations?

how do you mean exactly?
long time no hear Ryan!
but what i have added to 10.09d, but i have not tested , is that wd will generate a forecasticonstation.gif image, and upload that (if you have selected times to upload the forecasticon.gif with the customise internet and file creation upload)

Like when it’s clear have the text label say clear or partly cloudy when it thinks it’s partly cloudy that kind of thing. kind of like like the Forecast text from the Davis VP stations.

ok, i can do that…
will let you know when ready

i have added this to the latest version as
%forecasticonword%…Words for the forecast icon


How do I get this to work? For some reason it doesn’t parse it…

my mistake
i had put the routine inside a davis VP loop only
fixed, will update today