Wittboy data quality?

What is the red number to the right of Data Quality green LED bottom center? I have had a Davis for years and don’t have that. The Wittboy WD instance has it.



Ah, I think that’s it, I just added a lightening sensor!!

Now…it’s clear as a bell here, nothing on weather radar for 300 miles, so NO lightening. I have the dip switches at default, all down. Do I need to change something…sensitivity perhaps? Or is it a siting issue, it’s currently just sitting on my desk next to the computer, not mounted outside anywhere. Any siting suggestions.

Also, I’m getting a thunder sound on the PC when lightening is “detected”. Is that coming from WD and if so, how do I turn it off?

Yep, thats the lightning count…if you look real hard you should also notice small blips in the baseline of the wind dir graph that indicate when the lightning strikes happened. Easiest way to turn off the thunder sound is to delete/rename lightning.wav from wdisplay directory.

I have a lightning sensor which was indoors and kept getting strike information.
I have now put it outside in a clear box, (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/234232165223?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&var=533841332807&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649) and its working fine, no false readings. I have also checked with the lightning sites to confirm this, so that might be your problem as its inside.
You will have to change the dip switch’s to get the best reading for your area.
any questions ask the forum.



It’s now outdoors. I have the one that comes with the shield. So far it’s still getting strikes, up to 11 for the day. I’ll let it sit for a day or two before I start fiddling with dip switches!!