i tried to create a windows partition…on my linux pc…today…
thinking i could copy the program to there
and then windows could see that partition???
or i could try networing to the wifes pc…linneighbourhood
or, when the wireless broadband arrives, linux might work with the hardware ( i have a winmodem, and it found it, then said, visit a web site for support…doh…how do i do that when i cant get onto the internet with the linux version
Well, how about ftp between the stations, the windows networking can be a bit, well less than helpful some time (it is like it just can’t live without a wins server - but that is another story)…
If you have a working version of Windows and Linux on the same machine, there is no reason that it should not work, and with a boot manager you should be able to boot one or the other (the one that is part of unix distros is fine) and you have your partitions in a realitively sensible place, using FAT32 for windows, you should have no problem copying files over… (I have this setup myself!)
(and if you use VMWare, you can also boot that Windows partioion while in Linux, but I would not suggest having the file system mounted in that case - two operationg systems hacking the same partition… not a good idea. )
hope that is of any help
Have you tried Samba to share files from Linux to Windows? Works well for me. Check out www.samba.org
Hope this helps…
Have you tried Samba to share files from Linux to Windows? Works well for me. Check out www.samba.org
Hope this helps…
Brian, you have Mandrake installed correct? Well, I am 99% sure that Samba is already installed. All you need to do is make sure that the Samba network name has the same as the MS networking (of course case sens.). You now should be able to copy from Linux to MS, but to go the other way you do have to create an account name on linux the exact same as the account name on MS.
…but the learning curve for Samba can be a bit steep…
But once it is going it is very good indeed, the SWAT tool helps alot, and explains the parameters very well…
i did have it where linux could see the windows HD…but it wouldnt let me copy a file to that drive…
but maybe samba will…i will have to look into that
i tried loading a cd burner from the mandrake cd’s/…
but i couldnt find it in the program list…
how do i use it?
that will work./…linux detected it was a cd burner…
what is the format of the windows partition?
actualy, i couldnt get the windows partition created on the linux drive…
it kept saying, unmount first…i would click on unmount…nothing happened, and i was going around in circles, and so gave up in disgust, lol
hmmm… i don’t why that would happen, I just Qparted… it is just like partion magic (almost ) except free…
if you can somehow just create a fat 32 partion both win and linux should be able to use it for sure