Wind speed max in year NOAA Bug/error? RESOLVED

I installed the latest build when you said so.

10.37R b37

Check it at


I have recreated month by month for 2011 but can’t see how to do year as a whole?

did you see the screen shot that I sent?
and that shows the correct value, yes?
(from your data you sent me)
(after clicking on year to date, after setting the year as 2011)

I installed the latest build when you said so.
obviously then its not the latest update and so download and install again (as you may have done the full install instead of the .zip update)

Where is the year to date button?

And you mean the Wd zip of the main exe file rather than the Main Wd install file?


the year to date button is in the Noaa report tab under view, averages/extremes

And you mean the Wd zip of the main exe file rather than the Main Wd install file?

I did mean to install the .zip update at the time , which was updated with the fix, bu I suspect you installed the full install update instead

which has now been updated

Ah I get it.

Will try at work tomorrow and let you know.

Thanks again.

great news - it works!

I have got the correct value on the screen but I can’t work out how to create a new file in the folder, as oppose to just on screen.

what do i need to do please?

copy/paste into the appropriate noaa year file in the web files folder


I have tried opening the htm file in word, and then just changing the windspeed value then re saving the file.

Now, after uploading it to my host, the php script doesn’t read it at all.

The 2011 file’s icon in question looks different to any other NOAA year ones, it has a word symbol in it.

Can anyone help me just get the file to how it should be?

The file that I want back to normal formatting is at

It looks completely different to a regular file, eg

Can anyone help please?


sorted - do it in Notepad and not Word.

thanks very much Brian


the next update of WD will update the noaareportyearxxxx.htm file in the webfiles folder when you view that year in WD


new .zip update ready now, with this change in place, and also the data alignment problem after the heat/cool index has been improved