What is the "force"check box for in the "Wind Direction"Setup? :? :arrow: Also,is there anyway to adjust the screensaver display so that there is only 1 line of data that changes,much like the 3-D Windows time screensaver? :?:
not sure where you are meaning in WD for the force wind direction?
re screen saver…so it delets the previous line you mean?
not sure it that is possible…
In graph setup…Wind direction… NESW…Force
that is to force to have NESW as the wind direction…i.e force to be that…instead of SENWS showing, when set to auto (i.e wd has not calculated it correctly which way to show it (to avoid the wind direction line going from one side to another (but show as dots gets past that problem somewhat))
Thank-You…I’m sure what I will have more as explore…Great software…I will be buying when trial is over!!!