Using a trial version and all seems OK except that the direction indicator leaves trail marks on the display and seems to break apart a bit as it moves around. I upload the screenshot to my webpage but looks fine there. It only happens on the live display. Billy
i have seen that a little myself
but there is nothing i can do about it, its a component i have used
but i do get around it by forcing a redraw of that component…
thats why it does not show on the web image…
what cpu speed and weather station type?
Thanks windy for the quick and honest reply. The direction indicator has been working good the past 2 days although it did leave trail marks again last night after resarting computer. But it staightnened out overnight. Not such a big deal anyway. My computer has a 2.7 GHz Intel Celeron processor, 512 MB DDR memory and am using WMR968 wireless station.
May have some more questions coming soon as I’m kinda new at all this.
Thanks, Billy
nice fast pc
i am impressed you are a new user,and that you have the mesomap working and looking good!
(there are probably quite a few long term users who have not tried to do that )
also, on the WD graph, you can set the colour of the hour lines so they are less noticeable (i. more dark gray for instance)
Thanks windy for nice compliment! I’m surprised I figured it out too.
I know very little about building a webpage, but was able to add a radar image, some links to the page and a WeatherUndeground sticker. I think they worked out OK. Now all I need to do is figure out how to add a
backround file to the page, lol. I am clueless on how to do that. I guess that will be my next post unless someone can link me to a topic covering the how to’s on that. Thanks again and liking the program very much!
Billy, (becoming an ex VWS user), which I had been using since Dec.
Now all I need to do is figure out how to add a backround file to the page, lol. I am clueless on how to do that.
Nevermind, I figured it out pretty quick once I typed webpage wallpaper into the search engine.
Thanks, Billy