Why won't WD display all images on the webpage?


I have been trying around with the website feature for a couple of days. Ik keep having problems however. Some images in the webpage won’t display properly. They appear as broken links on the page. These images that are missing are uploaded to the server, so they are present. They just don’t get linked properly or something.

The site is www.ergraphicsweer.tk by the way. It’s just a trial for me, but if all goes well i would like to customize it.


i see you must have ticked the option to use jpg images, in the web files/web page setup

first fix:
try going to the summary image and icon setup, and tick there to use jpg image

as for the alltimerecords.jpg not showing…is that file being uploaded , maybe its being uploaded as alltimerecords.gif?


You are right about the alltimerecords.jpg not showing. It is updated and present in the webfiles directory on the pc. It is not uploaded however. Can you tell what settings might be wrong?

It is not uploaded is gif by the way, in the webfiles directory it is a jpg< there is no gif there.

the all time records are uploading daily at the time of the averages/extreme upload, which is by default just after midnight.
so if you leave wd running overnight , then it shoould get uploaded OK
(note, you can get it to be updated and uploaded more often if you use the customise internet and file creation upload, but there is a glitch: the alltimerecordfs.gif file needs to exist before the upload will go ahead (that will be rectified for the next version of wd) (so try making a copy of alltimerecords.jpg and renaming it as alltimerecords.gif)

That did the trickl! When i renamed it, it got uploaded with the next upload session. Now is uploading fine every x minutes.

Thanx…! :smiley:

Hi Windy,

Well, all worked so far, but this morning i was missing three empty image handles at the bottom, below the alltimerecords images. It was missing:


These images are all present in this form in the WD webfiles directory on my pc. They don’t get uploaded though. There is also no mention of them in the ftp logfile. I can’t find a setting anywhere that turns these three images on or off.

that file normaly gets uploaded if you are using the default wd web page, (at the next upload after midnight)
or if you are using the customise internet and file creation, you can set a time for it to upload there

with the
it should actualy be a moondetail.jpg that is produced
again, try using the customise internet and file creation setup (which means you have control over all the files create and upload times)
and there you can set times to create and upload moondetail1.jpg (it should be .jpg if you have set to use jpg images in the webfiles/web page setup (but note, you may need to change the remote file names in the customise internet and file creation setup to have a .jpg extension

Allright, that also did the trick! (Another one solved).

Next one…

I would like to change the background color form plain white to another color.

I now went into the setup and then to the tab called 'Setup #2". Here i changed the color to red (so i would notice right away it changed …lol). I pressed the ‘update html’ button and the ‘ok’. I waited a few updates of the site, but nothing changes. Is there any other way i should do this? I have tried changing it a few more times, but the website doesn’t react to it. It keeps updating ok, only not the color.

Bump up 8)

You forgot this one maybe Windy?

i have it where you need to have previously set a back ground image., for this to work, by the llooks of the code
i will fix that
but for now, in the datahtm0.txt file, before the table html code

replace blah with the html colour code (it will show that on the setup page in wd