Whos Online Script

do you have the file include-whos-online-header.php in the same folder as your site and the Settings.php?
The error is because it cannot find it.

I guess the install steps in the readme.txt should have you upload the whos-online files first
I just updated it. sorry.

No…the whose-on-line is in it’s own folder under the weather folder named “wx”. Now that you mention it I can see that would be a major problem but would the solution be to remove the “whose” folder and let the various components run free in the wx folder?

whos on first? just kidding :smiley:

Is your Settings.php for your wx site template in the wx folder? if yes, that is where your whos-online files go

So I just need to set them free from the “whose on first-what’s on second and I don’t know on third” folder and let them run and play in the “wx” folder which is where the template Settings.php is. Correct?? :smiley:

Yes they can be in the wx folder

Thanks, Mike…see there…one less worm in the can. 8)

I have my template set up to NOT use the Theme Switcher. When I upload the new theme switcher and in Settings.php set the option to “true” the wxindex.php page goes berserk with 2 messages at the top pertaining to cookies.

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/l/u/l/lulu836/html/wx/wxindex.php:2) in /home/content/l/u/l/lulu836/html/wx/include-style-switcher.php on line 46

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/content/l/u/l/lulu836/html/wx/wxindex.php:2) in /home/content/l/u/l/lulu836/html/wx/include-style-switcher.php on line 46

Quote from: jwwd on 12-12-2008, 16:43:04
Hi again

Another suggestion:

Would it be possible to manually input the owner of the IP adresses into the database? In that way the owner of the IP adress could be presented.

Ie. I know a lot of my users IP adresses - in that way it would be easy to see who is online by name.

Best regards,



With help from Weatherc (Henkka) I now can show the name of IP adresses where I know the owner.


Best regards,


You may have a whitespace in one of your template include files
make sure there are no whitespaces before the opening <?php or after the closing php ?>
especially look for this in Settings.php

you can try putting this at the top of the Settings.php just after the opening <?php

# session_start() must be processed before any other output
# or you might get a warning "headers already sent".
if( !isset( $_SESSION ) ) {


Can you show us what you and Henkka did? Sounds interesting.

  • Jim

Hi Jim

We changed the include-whos-online-page.php - I have attached it here (renamed to .txt)

I manually type in owners of IP adresses in the beginning of the file.

Best regards,


include-whos-online-page.php.txt (18.7 KB)

Be careful because the latest version is 1.06, you attached a 1.05

Hi Mike

Ups - didnt see there was a version 1.06.

I have now modified the script to show names of IP adresses to version 1.06

Best regards,


Ps. A big thank you to Mike for creating this script.

include-whos-online-page.php.txt (18.7 KB)

I have got it working almost now, had to do some different processing in order to get it to work because I dont use the carterlake templates and my site is not PHP driven it uses server-side includes. Anyway the only bit which does not work is where it should say Your IP Address and then show the IP, but its blank.

Any ideas anyone?


Have a link?

Not yet as its running locally…

It shows my IP as a guest but does not identify it as me or show it in the Your IP Address line…


New feature: Country Flags

I already got it working on my site, see here:

Hover your mouse over a flag to see the country name.

Version: 1.07 20-Dec-2008

  • added country flags addon feature, installing this addon will add Country Flags next to each IP address on your whos-online.php page
    see ‘country-addon’ folder readme.txt in the zip file for more info
    to upgrade from 1.06, replace include-whos-online-header.php and include-whos-online-page.php and add this setting to include-whos-online-settings.php
    // enable ip-to-country lookups
    // requires installing the country-addon plugin
    // enabling this will cause an error if you have not installed the plugin!
    $C[‘enable_country_lookup’] = 0; // 1 enables, 0 disables


Is the look up done in PHP? I can’t get the flags to show, and I’m guessing that I will have to ask e-rice to allow

Been playing again this morning and have found that the tick box for show bots does not stick as well as the script not recognising my IP as me. I suspect this could be the way I have had to install it as the PHP has to run each time its called as a separate program as the pages are not PHP generated. I’ll continue to play but if anyone has any ideas I’d be greatful.
