Whos Online City & State Add-on Script

I modified Jim’s State addon into a different one that does not require remote lookups.
Also this one is totally free and unlimited. It is now included in whos-online.zip.
It is optional. You have to install and enable it.
see ‘state-addon’ folder readme.txt inside the whos-online.zip file

Version: 1.52 31-Dec-2008

  • fixed refresh not working when login enabled and logged in
  • added a new state-addon plugin to show “city, state” next to country flags, see ‘state-addon’ folder readme.txt
  • Thanks to (Jim McMurry - jcweather.us) for the idea and some of the code.
    to upgrade from 1.51, replace whos-online.php, include-whos-online-page.php, and include-whos-online-header.php


test a basic worldmap (plugin)

you can see it at my site: Tools & info who’s online

test-worldmap.zip (42.7 KB)

Thanks everybody for contributing ideas and code: :slight_smile:

The addons from this thread including worldmap are now included in Whos Online 2.0

All future Whos Online 2.0 discussion can continue here: