When I leave the mouse over the icon in the menu bar, it tell me I have version 2.6
When I open it, the version indicated in the window title shows me 2.9
Which one is correct?
Another thing is that when WD is shut down, the Real Time Client raw FTP is not. So when the watchdog starts WD again, I have two instances of Real Time Client raw FTP in the tray.
its the one in the window bar
i need to update the file version number
after a minute it should stop, if you have exited WD normaly
but, otherwise, yes, having 2 instances will occur
not sure what i can do about that…maybe check that its not running already.////i will have a look into that
humm…so even if it was not already running, it still did not start?
i didnt actualy test that…but do you have ticked to have it start in the real time ftp setup (webfiles/web page setup?)