

You said :- when you view the 5 day forecast in WD (click on the main screen icon to do that), there is a option there in the menu to uload it

Where, exactly, is the screen icon ???

I can’t even see it, let alone get it uploading !


you can view it if you click on the summary image

I’m having a similar problem.
I can see the forecast5day screen when I click on the main icon in the main screen, but it is blank. Also looked on my server and the file isn’t there - probably since it isn’t being populated locally.
I have the file set to use under metar setup.

I'm having a similar problem. I can see the forecast5day screen when I click on the main icon in the main screen, but it is blank. Also looked on my server and the file isn't there - probably since it isn't being populated locally. I have the file set to use under metar setup.

You have your 5-day forecast set to a GIF file and not the forecast itself. Set it to the paz011.txt file (assuming that’s in standard zone forecast format).

If you look for the paz011.txt file it’s in http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/data/forecasts/zone/pa/paz011.txt so maybe you need that /pub/ in there?

Ok - makes sense.
I changed it to the file you said shown below - correct?
I hit the test button, then checked the icon again - but still blank. I know its probably something simple I’m missing, but it’s one of those things that is driving me nuts!

Is the paz011.txt file showing up on your PC? (I can’t see that you changed anything on the screenshot :? )

yes it is.
Look under the button "Select a 5 day forecast to use. On the first shot it is a .gif - I changed it to paz011.txt as carterlake suggested.

Got it!

is that where you have wd set to download the file to?
email me that file, and your settings files, wdisplay.ini from c:\windows or c:\winnt, and wdsiplayftp.reg from the folder databackup, after going action, backup registry entry now, as you most likely have some settings wrong

original poster:
if you cant see the main screen icon, then you must have it set to not display (see under setup, control panel, summary image and icon setup)

Files sent.
When I click on “select Metar download directory”, that is what is showing: C:\wdisplay as the directory, and pa011.txt shows in the files.

Off to work now - will check back in about 10 hours. Thanks.

And…sorry to steal your thread OP!

not sure if you have followed up on my email snowman, but the file you selected that was downloaded from the noaa server, which you emailed me, was blank…thats the problem
either try selecting a new file to download or double check the download location and the file selected location agree

Files sent. When I click on "select Metar download directory", that is what is showing: C:\wdisplay as the directory, and pa011.txt shows in the files.

Off to work now - will check back in about 10 hours. Thanks.

And…sorry to steal your thread OP!

See http://littleswitzerlandweather.info/img/paz011.gif
That works for me.

Got you email Brian - thanks.
Got involved with updating a couple machines to SP2 this evening - one went fine while the other gave me a couple fits for a while - all is good now.

Thanks for the screen shot CaptDilli - you pointed out something I think I had wrong. I had the file as “pa011.txt” instead of “paz011.txt”. That file must have been created when I was first starting out and entered it wrong.

Anyway, tried the paz011.txt, and hit “test”. Following the FTP log, it finds the file to download, but then just hangs until it aborts. Being I’m on a cranky satellite connection, I want to wait a bit to see it that might be my problem.

I’ll post back here tomorrow after it tries some more - I just hope I didn’t hose something else in the meantime!