What is ET

Hi daft question

But I have just fitted a solar sensor and enabled the solar section, on the main page of WD below the solar reading I have a box with 0.5mm ET

Can anybody tell me what this is??



ET = Evapotranspiration = the amount of water that is used (evaporated and transpired) by plants as a part of their metabolic processes. Need to know this if you are involved in agriculture. You’ll find a lot of references on Google http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=Evapotranspiration

windy dry conditions and the plant stomata close up…i.e less water loss…but the calculations (which are very long) take that into account :slight_smile:

in theory the ET could be used to predict soil moisture wilting point, etc

Thank you both.