Hi daft question
But I have just fitted a solar sensor and enabled the solar section, on the main page of WD below the solar reading I have a box with 0.5mm ET
Can anybody tell me what this is??
Hi daft question
But I have just fitted a solar sensor and enabled the solar section, on the main page of WD below the solar reading I have a box with 0.5mm ET
Can anybody tell me what this is??
ET = Evapotranspiration = the amount of water that is used (evaporated and transpired) by plants as a part of their metabolic processes. Need to know this if you are involved in agriculture. You’ll find a lot of references on Google http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=Evapotranspiration
windy dry conditions and the plant stomata close up…i.e less water loss…but the calculations (which are very long) take that into account
in theory the ET could be used to predict soil moisture wilting point, etc
Thank you both.