The main view looks correct but this data is no updating correctly.
The main view looks correct but this data is no updating correctly.
i have really intended to have the vp uv solar real time graph as the main solar graph now
but, i will have to look into how its plotting on the extra sensor one
now, you are using a dallas 1 wire solar sensor…but how do you have it configured in wd…to plot solar %, or solar volts,from the dallas 1 wire,in the solar setup?
BUT, also, a new thing:
you need to click on setup, and tick, plot extra temp #5 instead of humdiity #1
Sorry Brian I’m lost. Here’s a screen shot of my solar sensor setup. I’m lost on the
You need to click on setup, and tick, plot extra temp #5 instead of humdiity #1. So if we are not using a VP weather station this plot is not going to work any more? Sorry for the confusion. Greg
are you using a dallas 1 wire solar sensor?
you dont actualy have it ticked to use that value (bottom right hand corner)
also, i see you dont have ticked to use the max solar radiation for the time of day from the lat/long
i recommend that (as long as your lat/long is correct)
email me your settings file and i will have a look at it all…
wdisplay.ini from c:\windows or c:\winnt
I sent my ini file to [email protected] . I’m using a one wire sensor in the jar type solar sensor. The check box in the lower right hand corner has something to do with a labjack device and I do not have one of these. I haven’t adjusted anything on this form since I set it up over 2 years ago. Thanks for the help. Greg
i thought you had a dallas 1 wire solar sensor
what you need to do is go to setup, and set to not display that reading
so the solar reading should instead show on the VP solar graph
(see under view)
check it there…
as I want to just keep the extra sensor graph for plotting extra temperature/humidity readings
becuase the temperature sensor in the jar is actualy an extra temperature sensor, then it will plot on the extra sensor graph
so, to find it, in the setup, tick to display all of them (and click on set for each)
and also tick the 3 boxes on the right hand side too,
plot extra temp 5 instead of hum1, plot extra temp 6 instead of hum2
I’m sorry but I am not following where any of these settings your talking about are. Can you give me the paths to the screens like setup > control panel > solar sensor setup etc. Sorry to be such a pain but I’m lost.
well, from our email exchanges, i now know you dont have a dallas 1 wire solar sensor (which produces a voltage output)
you have a temperature sensor (i.e just so happens to be a dallas 1 wire temperature sensor) in a jar
so forget about that tick in the bottom right hand corner of the solar setup screen
the other ticks i was talking about are in the setup screen for the extra sensor real time graph
i.e when you view the extra sensor real time graph, there is a buttonw with setup on it
click on that
to get to the extra sensor graph, go view, then extra sensor graph
once on the setup screen, tick to display each one, then click on set for each one
then tick, plot extra temperature 5 as hum1, and then tick plot extra temperature 6 as hum2, and tick, plot extra temperature 7 as hum3
and then you can also set the scale of the temperature plots (lo/hi scale)
which actual extra temperature sensor number to use as the solar sensor?
if 9, then that temperature plot will show up on the 2nd extra sensor graph
(click on more sensor, in the bottom right hand corner of the extra sensor graph, and then that graph has its own setup screen too, to play with (i.e to set line to plot, etc)
clear as mud? 8O
On the Dallas one wire setup form I have 3 Extra temp sensor nmber for solar sensor. On the solar senosr setup form the sensor number for solar data please select a sensor number to use is set at 9? I’m so confused.
the one on the dallas setup screen was there to allow the scale to go high for plotting…
but its not needed now, as you can set the scale lo/hi range manualy
which extra temperature sensor are you using for your solar sensor then
3 or 9?
How do I know? It’s the third one down on the dallas one wire set up screen. Does that make it 3? If these were labeled on the dallas one wire setup up screen it might elliminate some confusion. How do I determine the sensor number?
it should be #3 then
if you tick to show all the sensors on the extra sensor real time graph, but tick, plot temp sensor 5 as hum1, and tick plot temp sensor 6 as hum2, and tick, plot temp sensor 7 as hum3
then that graph will plot 1 to 8 temperature sensor, starting with 1 at the top, 8 at the bottom, for the actual readings on the right hand side
or , go to view, then click on extra dials, under the weather dials icon
and that will show all the extra sensor temperatures too
so you can know which one it is
but, in the solar setup screen, you have set the extra temperature sensor number 9 as your solar temperature sensor
a temperature sensor in a jar will be much hotter than the normal temperature, or other temperature sensors, when its sunny, so thats how you will know which one it is
on the dallas 1 wire setup screen, extra temperature sensors are listed in order
i.e extra temperature sensor rom id is extra temperature #1
and when you scroll down on that setup screen, it also shows the temperature of each sensor, and they are numbered in sequence, left to right, down, etc
so there are numerous ways
My solar sensor is the third temperature sensor in the list of temperature sensors on the dallas one wire setup screen. When I check to show that on the extra sensors setup screen it shows the wrong data. Here is a screen shot of the extra sensors. I only have 3 and the first 3 are checked. Why is the second one showing 100%?? The third one is supposed to be my solar temp sensor but it is actually my computer room temperature. So these on this form are not aligning with the dallas one wire setup screen. I have to go to bed. It’s 1am. I’ll pick it up agian tomorrow. Thanks for the help but I’m afraid I have totaly mucked it up.
what has changed is i have simplied it
and its now temp/hum/temp/hum etc
so, untick to show the 2nd one , as thats reserved for extra hum (unless you tick use temp 5 as hum 1)
and then tick show the 5th one down and then 7th one down
i.e leave out showing #2, #4, #6 in the sequence, as they are humidity sensors (unless you tick to have them as extra temp 5, 6 or 7)
that is why i said to tick to show them all…so then you will see what is what
Ok I’m starting to catch on now. So if if check the 1st, 3rd, and 5th one that shoild be my 3 extra temp sensors. This appears to be correct. Now back to the solar sensor setup page. Do I tell it to use my 5th sensor or my 3rd sensor in the first box on the top left?
yes, i forgot that you would be affected by that change i made
most weather stations extra temperature sensors are actualy temp/hum sensor combos
but thats not the case with the dallas 1 wire. which was making it complicated
so i stripped layers of plasters from over the years and simplified it
now, on the solar sensor setup screen, set the extra temperature sensor to use as #3
and then the raw value shown (will update at the next minute), will be the temperature from the solar temperature sensor
also i recommed to tick, use the max solar value for the time of day from the lat/long too…
Ok I did that. Last thing. My main graph see other post is now showing a 6908% solar. How can I get this back to normal.
tick, use max solar radiation for time of day lat/long
I did.