I have had all sorts of problems with my isp and website and have had to start a new one. I have uploaded my files but the only the most recent files have uploaded, the older files back from September haven’t gone into it. How do I FTP ALL the webfiles back onto the new site?
which files in particular are you meaning?
some of the averages/extremes files?
Hello Justine,
Just a thought for you and others that may wish to recover old web files, a possible option may be the WayBack Machine.
If you are looking to recover lost files this can be a life saver for some…
one thing to note, for the drop down list to show older averages/extreme web pages, those equivalnet files need to be in your web files folder (e.g august2004.htm)
if they are not, then just create a file with that name…
Thanks for your help Brian and Bob.
Bob its all very frustrating to be honest and a very long confusing story. I still have my old site but I just can’t get in to edit anything. Trying to cut a long story short I made these sites a few years back with my current isp but was using another isp when I started them so I had a different e-mail address to access them. The company I am currently with got taken over last year and have changed their policy so that only people who are members with them can have a site. Now I am a member with them but because the sites I had used the old login address it now says I’m not a member even though I am. However my WD files were still uploading with the old details but I couldn’t get access to it through my browser. Anyway the long and short of it is I’ve now had to create a new site with my current address etc and ditch the old one.
I also had a lot of pictures I uploaded onto the site but not into a specific directory, I had started to create a web page with pictures but not being very HMTL literate was struggling to create something decent. Its all a big mess, lol.
Brian I have all the averages extremes and each daily graph all present and correct in my webfiles folder on my pc, do I have to upload every single graph etc for each day manually or is there something I can press for the whole folder to be uploaded on there?
Well you can always look at this from a positive point of view and view this as your apportunity to create that nice, neat and orderly web site you want
If the old site is still accessible then you can save all of the images uploaded, it may be a bit time consuming but… Just locate each image you want for what is going to be your “Brand New Organized” web site and right click on it and “Save Image As” and save them to a local folder on your hard drive. Copy and paste any text you want and save it in notepad or wordpad and then you wont have to start everything from scratch.
You can also, depending on your browser, save the entire page, images and all using “File/Save File As” however this will provide differing results depending on your browser…
When you do get the new site up, let us know here so we can take a look
I am an ex Freeserve member now with Wanapoo and I have heard such horror stories with the service and support received so my heart goes out to you. Touch wood (raps on head) things haven’t been too bad for me.
I did use webspace when on Freeserve but stopped using that a while back when I chose a different hosting service. all I have now are redirecting pages to my new webspace.
Have you got an FTP program that you can log into your old webspace with?? (Cute FTP, WS FTP_LE etc) - i guess that is Freeserve webspace for you as well ?? If you have, then you could download all the old files with that. WD is letting files get FTPed with your old details so an FTP program should be able to log in as well. And the FTP program will allow multiples files to be uploaded at once (your graphs for example).
Also if you can still get to your old website address as normal and the photos are showing up ok etc you could right click on them and save them locally again? Just a thought.
I will have to try getting to my old Freeserve webspace via my Wanadoo ADSL connection. UPDATE: Yes I can
Thanks for all your thoughts and idea’s the latest update is… I got all my pictures back :lol: There must be over 200 I’m sure, lol.
I’m not really sure how or why and I’m not asking questions after mailing my isp yet again and with no reply I was this close to giving up but all of a sudden the site let me in. I managed to save all the images although there were quite a lot of times I had to close the browser and open it again because the message came up and wouldn’t let me access the files but I got there in the end.
Next job is to sort all these pics out and get them organised into a proper website.
Excellent - Outstanding - G’Deal :happy1:
Now good luck with your New Hosting set up 8) Once you get your new site set up then immediately make a full back up and burn it to CD. Even better if possible burn it to CD-RW and re donwload and burn the site once a month or more often depending on how often you make changes to it.
You never know when another problem may crop up and a back up on CD can make sleeping much easier at night sometimes