Isn’t working, I have a logitech webcam, which works fine in other software, but with wxdisplay under webcam setup I get 0 picture and 0 uploads and 0 .jpg file creation, any suggestions?
what settings do you have under the webcam setup???
also, is there anything under view, program error log or ftp log?
does a driver show up in the web cam capture setup?
note: you can use a web cam image generated by other web cam software…i.e the 3rd party web cam image setup
Yeah Brian, the webcam driver does show up, it just dosn’t seem to generate a picture.
Yeah Brian, the webcam driver does show up, it just dosn't seem to generate a picture.
Okay I got it generating a picture now, but it’s blank, almost as if it doesn’t see the camera, yet it’s setup under setup. When setting it up are you supposed to see the cameras view in that top left box? Cause I don’t… Yet the camera works with other software so I know it’s functional. Hmmmm
yes, you should see it there.
make sure no other software still running accessing the camera
check if there is an error under view, program error log, if there is, try:
go to the first web cam setup page, view setup, control panel, webcam setup, then click on reset, next to the button to setup the direct web cam capture
then restart wd, then go to that direct web cam setup page
then click on on the driver, then capture method if that shows up, then highlight the video mode that shows up, then click on it again
then click on capture on the far right hand side
if a picture shows up, then click on restore setting next time,and then click on save settings.
if no picture, then repeat, starting at clicking on the driver again
Got it going, thanks Brian!
Trying to now do a 640x480 shot and for some reason it won’t do it at it’s size with the 1.3 megapixel resolution, its only doing 8 bi when I select 640x480 @ 24 bit. HELP AGAIN!
It seems to be viewing live properly, just not creating it right…
Okay so if I set the res to 640x480, then go out of the program, go back in, click on the driver setting then still again it drops it back to 320x240 or whatever, it seems it’s stuck on that setting. Hmmmm
No matter what I set the res for, it looks great on the live viewing in the software but the snapshot it creates looks bad. HELP AGAIN, AGAIN!
try increasing the size of the live viewing area, so that the snap shot comes up better resolution
also, tick to create a jpg file as well, and set that name, adn then you can view that file
there is also the floating web cam window too
Okay, we’re dialing it in, last question until my next, the labels auto center top left, how would I move it to bottom left? I played with the X Y settings but it doesn’t seem to be moving. Thanks Brian.
Okay, we're dialing it in, last question until my next, the labels auto center top left, how would I move it to bottom left? I played with the X Y settings but it doesn't seem to be moving. Thanks Brian.Try the X Y settings again. The values are in pixels so try a large number (300).