I have the latest linux version running on SUSE 8.2 with no problems. It is running on a dedicated box with a broadband connection. Currently I am uploading to a directory on my ISP. I’m not really pleased with the FTP connection to the ISP and I decided to install my own apache webserver.
I have apache running with access via my own IP address. Now comes the question. How do I move the WD html files to my own webserver directory? FTPing them to my ISP, I enter my username and password… Where do I list the directory?, or do I need to FTP them within the same computer?
You need to setup an ftp account that has the home directory in the web tree area or virtual host site of your Linux box.
The username and pasword you can create to be whatever you want it to be.
Then using the WD ftp settings, you point to your linux box as the FTP user using the useraccount and password you setup.
The files end up in the web space area that is then viewable via the web area of the your linux host.
Most broadband ISP’s however block the common port 80 used by most webserver, so you might need to setup your Apache to use an alternative port.
You could split your website up like I have and have the static pages of your website on your original ISP area and point to your home PC for the dynamic information.
I have my static pages on my regular business server and all the updated weather files pointed to a purchased host account that has higher bandwidth and access.
but this is a WD linux version running on a server box isnt it?
then you just need WD for linux to create the files in the folder where they are available to the internet, yes?
Sorry it took me a while to get back. I had to rebuild my daughters computer today.
You are correct, the linux box that is running WD is the one that I have apache running on.
When I use the Web page / Web files setup (from within WD) and click the web files location button, nothing happens. So I started to play around with the server and try to chanage to change the location of the “web file location” within apache. I just got back so, hopefully I will have a little time shortly to try that.
I edited the .ini file and can now place my files in any directory I need. Thanks for the info. This keeps my web server much happier as I can conform to a standard directory structure.