I have setup my web server on my local LAN. That works fine. BUT.
This is one thing I don’t understand.
If I go to any other computer on the LAN and put in the site into explorer http://zl3gp.no-ip.com I can not get to the site. I just go to the router and it wants to log onto the router.
If I use any computer outside the LAN all is fine.
If I enter just the local computer address that works fine also.
Why cant I see the pages if I enter the www address from a local computer??? :scratch:
Couple of things to check. Can the PC you are trying to connect from reslove the dns name zl3gp.no-ip.com? You can check this by going to a DOS prompt and typing ‘ping zl3gp.no-ip.com’. If this brings you back something like ‘Pinging zl3gp.no-ip.com [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx]…’ and the xxx’s are your IP address then the dns is OK but you may have a network connectivity/routing issue. If the ping cannot resolve that name to the IP address then you have a dns issue (maybe the client cannot find a dns server or one is not configured in your network settings).
Thank you All for your help.
I tested the ping and that worked fine. And the server recognised any one from the WWW.
Julian suggested I take a look at the “hosts” file in the Windows directory and enter the address data into that. Works great.
Thank you