Web page FTP seems to be broken

I seem to have a curious situation. I have kept up to date with Weather-Display versions but, for some reason, it has stopped FTPing my web page files. Wunderground still gets updateds every 5 minutes but it just seems to stall out on FTPing to my ISP: http://home.cfl.rr.com/thehowses/sunsetlakesweather.htm

I’ve tried update internet now and it just seems to try and then give up.



check under view, ftp log, view full log
and see what it says there

You may recall thatI sent you a personal email about this problem several weeks ago. It went away a few days later and has now reappeared the last few days! Using your ftp program every five mins. it will upload Wunder and ARPS, but when it gets to uploading WD it stalls around and finally times out. My current solution is to upload WD every ten minutes and have set the ftp time-out for 6mins. This seems to allow enough time for it to get everything up to my web page! ( it now takes about 5 mins to upload whereas it used to take 0.17 mins.) This is with high speed cable @ 3.5 mbps!

      I've checked with my ISP and they say everthing looks good, so I checked my Web Hosting for an overload of mega-bytes and it only showed 2.5% of my maximum.  I then checked some of the many versions and they all did the same thing.

      One other thing is happening, if WD is uploading and I try to multitask (Check my mail or load a new page in IE),  it too is very slow!

      I feel the problem is in the "ftp" servers somewhere.

      That's the only thing I can come up with logically!  Although, my "logic" is always suspect!!!


I upload every hour, but when I started uploading clientraw.txt every minute suddenly my scheduled web upload stopped working. I can go to Action, Update Internet Now, and it works fine - it just won’t send the hourly scheduled update.

When I go to “Update Internet Now” it gets to the first item to upload and stalls!



For the last 45 mins. or so the ftp seems to have returned close to normal!
Just one stall in that time of 1.20 mins. The rest have been in the .17-.20 mins. for 193733k. So, somebody tell me whats going on!


I would look at the ftplog.txt file and my firewall log. You could try turning off the firewall and see if that makes a difference. :?

Hi Capt,
Yep, I tried that early on when I talked to my ISP and it didn’t help at all!



the internet can get easily bogged down with people downloading music, etc
its not WD’s fault these sort of things you are seeing

also, files getting ftp’d to your web dont go straight from your pc to your IS pc
its the internet
i.e a whole series of interconnected PC’s
if you do a traceroute, you will see the files go all over the place and will go through 5 or so PC’s or more…and so sometimes request/data packets/responses get lost in cyberspace
its just the name of the game, and it happens to other FTP programs as well (i get stalls in WS_FTP all the time)

System info:
Win 2000 Pro, Celeron 900, 512MB RAM, ADSL

I have had trouble with FTP uploads from time to time. I have noticed a few things that may affect this.
The load on the computer I.E. the number of processes running.
The CPU speed and amount of memory.
The frequency of FTP operations, in and out, WD and other programs. All local network activity.

[quote=“CaptDilli”]I have noticed some times WD stops ftping the clientraw.txt file to the web page every few seconds.

Count me out of the “FTP stalls” issue. I think I was having an operator malfunction.

My regular upload stopped when I added clientraw.txt every minute - by setting it on the “Customize Internet file creation and upload” dialog. It was the only file I set there, and apparently that made it the only file that would every be uploaded. Maybe because I set the Override ON? If there’s another way to make clientraw.txt upload every minute I couldn’t find it.

By setting every other file to 1-hour upload on this dialog, I now have them all uploading again.

hi bill
yes, its a very much an override setup
but its a good way to control all the files to update and upload to your website, and i am glad you are using it


Disregard the E-Mail. I think I found my problem. My router was acting flakey. I went through and re-initialized it and all seems to be working. I’ll run it for a few days and see how it does.

I have just moved my site to a new web host and i am getting a few stalls in uploads more on the cwd commands than anything else. On my old site the uploads were pretty good not suprising as both ISP and host server are in the same building but now, it is as Brian said, going through several units between ISP on Island and host server in England.
Brian does your ftpupd program have a means to disconnect and reconnect if it stalls automatically without loosing its place in the agenda ie using the log below

list of files uploaded*

actual messages from upload session*
Permanent connection selected
Permanent connection, will do ftp now
Checking for what else to do…
there are 3 more things to do
Download complete
Download complete
Checking for what else to do…
there are 2 more things to do
Download complete
Download complete
Download complete
Download complete
Checking for what else to do…
there are 1 more things to do
Next file HTTP metar station download
Downloading to :C:\wdisplay\metar\EGNS.met
final download setting=C:\wdisplay\metar\EGNS.met
Doing metar download now
Download complete
Next file HTTP metar station download
Downloading to :C:\wdisplay\metar\EGNH.met
final download setting=C:\wdisplay\metar\EGNH.met
Doing metar download now
Download complete
Next file HTTP metar station download
Downloading to :C:\wdisplay\metar\EGGP.met
final download setting=C:\wdisplay\metar\EGGP.met
Doing metar download now
Download complete
Next file HTTP metar station download
Downloading to :C:\wdisplay\metar\EGCC.met
final download setting=C:\wdisplay\metar\EGCC.met
Doing metar download now
Download complete
Next file HTTP metar station download
Downloading to :C:\wdisplay\metar\EGAC.met
final download setting=C:\wdisplay\metar\EGAC.met
Doing metar download now
Download complete
Finished downloading metars
Finshed email agenda
Finshed email agenda, and more Internet agenda items to do…
Time/date:22:01:09 30/04/2004
Logging onto FTP server…ftp.hc-iom.co.uk
Connecting to FTP server.
220 Matrix FTP server (Server FTPCLUSTER9) ready.
USER hc-iom.co.uk
331 User name okay, need password.
230 User logged in, proceed.
200 Type set to I.
CWD ******/weather
250 CWD Command successful.
Checking for next FTP agenda…
there are 2 more things to do
Doing ftp upload
Checking there are files to upload
There are more files to upload
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,210,239).
STOR webcamimage.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,211,124).
STOR Ballaugh.html
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,211,145).
STOR Ballaughdial.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,212,153).
STOR Ballaugh.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,213,120).
STOR dailyhighlowbaroetc.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,213,133).
STOR dailywebcam.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,213,222).
STOR dailywebcam2.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,214,54).
STOR summary.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,214,128).
STOR autoscalewindbaro.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,214,146).
STOR autoscaletemphum.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,214,155).
STOR autoscaleextra1.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,214,163).
STOR autoscaleextra2.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,214,169).
STOR autoscaleextra3.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,214,177).
STOR autoscaleextra4.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,214,186).
STOR metar.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,214,194).
STOR metar2.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,214,210).
STOR metar3.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,214,217).
STOR metar4.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,214,229).
STOR metar5.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,214,233).
STOR trends.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,215,91).
STOR curr24hourgraph.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,215,103).
STOR curr48hourgraph.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,215,120).
STOR curr72hourgraph.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,215,139).
STOR energy.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,215,161).
STOR realtimegraph.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,215,200).
STOR realtimegraph2.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,215,254).
STOR vprealtimegraph.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,216,12).
STOR extrarealtimegraph.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,216,39).
STOR extrarealtimegraph2.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,216,72).
STOR largedisplay.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,216,217).
STOR forecasticon.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,216,222).
STOR forecasticonstation.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,216,235).
STOR localweather.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,216,247).
STOR weatherbanner.gif
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
No more files to upload
there are 1 more things to do
CWD wap
Overall time out
ERROR: 301: Interrupted. at time/date 22:06:52 30/04/2004 agenda item: dowapupload
Doing abort procedure/program close…
it can be seen that it has stalled tring to access the wap folder in weather if the ftpupl was able disconnect and then retry this command again it may work (3 attempts good figure) now the next log

list of files uploaded*
actual messages from upload session*
Permanent connection selected
Permanent connection, will do ftp now
Checking for what else to do…
there are 3 more things to do
Download complete
Download complete
Checking for what else to do…
there are 2 more things to do
Download complete
Download complete
Download complete
Download complete
Checking for what else to do…
there are 1 more things to do
Next file HTTP metar station download
Downloading to :C:\wdisplay\metar\EGNS.met
final download setting=C:\wdisplay\metar\EGNS.met
Doing metar download now
Download complete
Next file HTTP metar station download
Downloading to :C:\wdisplay\metar\EGNH.met
final download setting=C:\wdisplay\metar\EGNH.met
Doing metar download now
Download complete
Next file HTTP metar station download
Downloading to :C:\wdisplay\metar\EGGP.met
final download setting=C:\wdisplay\metar\EGGP.met
Doing metar download now
Download complete
Next file HTTP metar station download
Downloading to :C:\wdisplay\metar\EGCC.met
final download setting=C:\wdisplay\metar\EGCC.met
Doing metar download now
Download complete
Next file HTTP metar station download
Downloading to :C:\wdisplay\metar\EGAC.met
final download setting=C:\wdisplay\metar\EGAC.met
Doing metar download now
Download complete
Finished downloading metars
Finshed email agenda
Finshed email agenda, and more Internet agenda items to do…
Time/date:23:01:26 30/04/2004
Logging onto FTP server…ftp.hc-iom.co.uk
Connecting to FTP server.
220 Matrix FTP server (Server FTPCLUSTER6) ready.
USER hc-iom.co.uk
331 User name okay, need password.
230 User logged in, proceed.
200 Type set to I.
CWD ******/weather
Overall time out
301: Interrupted.
Checking for next FTP agenda…
All Agenda complete, doing FTP log off…
FTP logoff
Doing abort procedure/program close…

as can be seen in this it did not upload anything because the cwd command failed but a disconnect and reconnect at cwd command may have got it going with out shutting ftpupl down or loosing place in agenda, clientrawftp seems to work on these line but is only doing one file, is this a possiblity.

one session this evenig timed out on downloads as well

Overall time out
ERROR: 301: Interrupted. at time/date 22:06:52 30/04/2004 agenda item: dowapupload

try increasing the overall time out in the connections

i will try increasing by one minute to start with but i have a feeling that it will still happen, if all is going well 2 to 3 minutes is long enough thats download and upload if i go above 10 i will get overlap problems