CORRECTION TO ORIGINAL POST! In the last paragraph, I originally said the .jpg file is uploaded. It is the .gif file where I want the .jpg file. Sorry (You have to read the whole post)
I have a Dlink DCS-900W camera that I want to grab the image.jpg , have Weather Display add the time, temp, etc, and then upload it to my web page.
Here is what I have succeeded at doing:
First, to grab the picture from the camera… It is located at the camera’s ip address as “image.jpg”. Simple task. I went to the FTP/Internet Setup screen in WD, went to the HTTP Download tab and entered the URL of the file to be downloaded as I entered my Username/Password (The camera requires this to access the image and WD is very accommodating in allowing for it). The Local filename of file to be downloaded is weathercam.jpg. I checked the box to use c:\Program Files\wdisplay\webfiles as the Path/directory instead of downloads. I entered the Filename to be used on FTP server as weathercam.jpg. Both the Downloads on and Uploads on switches are turned on. I wanted to download the picture every 5 minutes so I had to MANUALLY enter the times. How about a “Download every 5 minutes” button Brian? THIS STEP WORKS FINE.
Next, I go to Webcam Setup and View on the Web cam image screen. I click on the “Setup image settings for other web cam capture software image” button an go to the “Weather stamp on webcam file setup” screen. I check the boxes to Show a label, time stamp, wind info, temperature and add a Label. The image capture frequency to file is set at Every 5 Minutes. Since my image is 640 x 480 I set those in the boxes “Image width/height adjust” and “File image width adjust” but I have no idea what these mean. I set the web cam file destination path to C:|Program Files\wdisplay\webfiles\wdweathercam.gif. I check the box to “Produce a jpeg file too” and set the path to C:\Program Files\wdisplay\webfiles\wdweathercam.jpg. I check the box to Upload the new weather stamped file to my web page The web cam file source is C:\Program Files\wdisplay\webfiles\weathercam.jpg (This is the file downloaded successfully in step one) Both files, wdweathercam.gif AND wdweathercam.jpg are successfully created in the directory “webfiles”.
Finally, I go back to FTP/Internet Setup and go to the Web Cam tab. There I Choose a web cam file, C:\Program Files\wdisplay\webfiles\wdweathercam.jpg, set the upload to every 5 mins, turn on the switch, and click OK. The file that gets uploaded is wdweathercam.gif!! The wdweathercam.jpg file does not get uploaded!!
And that is my problem. How do I get it to do what it says it is supposed to do, and upload the jpg file as my web cam file??
great you have found a way to get the images from a web served web cam image in WD!
ah, yes, the web cam upload uploading a gif…
email me your settings files.
i.e go action, back up registry entry now, and then email me the file wdisplayftp.reg and wdisplay.ini
but for now, use the general ftp upload, and select to upload that file
Yes. That was a very easy way to get the file from the web cam. I was thinking unkind thoughts when I had to manually enter each 5 minute interval after selecting every 10 minutes. It sure would be a nice feature to have an every 5 minute button. Hint Hint. :lol:
I am sending the two files, reg and ini in a separate e-mail
Thanks. It must be nice knowing that “spring” is on it’s way. I have been freezing my butt off working in the garden this past weekend.
I got your reply, un-ticked the upload and used the general FTP upload. (now I have used all 3 Setups. #1 every hour, #2 Every 15 min, and # 3 every 5 (Had to enter those 5 minuted intervals manually :lol:))
Seems to be working, but the picture uploaded is 5 minutes old. It must upload the previous picture and then creates the new one.
Will try new version tomorrow. It’s getting late here.
The reason I wanted the JPG was two fold. I wanted to use it in WD Live, and I wanted to be able to re-size it on my main page without distorting the lettering.
Looks good. Can’t wait till it gets light out.
That camera has a very good low-light capability considering the cost. With the D-Link $30 rebate it costs between $70 and $80 US.
And it is so easy to hook up. Wireless. Only wish the image was available without a password. The video is, however. Dlink shows how to access the internal JAVA applet to display the streaming video on my own web page.
And all this with just WD software. I know Image Salsa is good, but why buy the extra software.
I tried the 10.19p version, but it did not work for me. I turned off the upload in general ftp, then went to the 3rd party webcam file setup, checked both the “Upload the new weather stamped file to my web page” box, and the new “(upload jpg)” box, but neither the .gif nor .jpg file were uploaded. I went back to version o and turned on the general ftp. That works ok. Don’t know why the version p didn’t for me.
i will do a test
but, check under view, ftp log, view full log, after you do a test upload, under setup, ftp/internet/web cam setup, test upload
to see what files are actualy trying to upload…
Well, actually, NEITHER file, .jpg or .gif was being uploaded. At all.
Too many buttons and switches. Spent a good 10 minutes looking at FTP log files, etc, and then it hit me. Dummy here forgot to go to the FTP Web Cam tab and turn that upload switch on. #-o :oops:
wdweathercam.jpg now uploads as it should.
You deserve good carma for this one. And those 3 missing weather icons. Now I have to get some.