Web Cam looses settings and needs restarted on wd restart or boot

Every time I take WD down for updates or just need to restart I have to go to the Capture settings, hit restart, then to the device settings and turn off the Zoom. And then to Capture settings / Overlay and re-tick show temperature. I then save the settings and close and everything works great. If I hit Start or Start Now the Zoom gets re-ticked and I have to turn it off again.

The main problem is if there is a restart when I am not present the web cam will not start by it self or the defaults stay.

I have tried using the Logitech utility also to turn the zoom off. Main switch has been off and on, and I have tried ticking keep alive (what does this do?). I do not use streaming video. View web cam images during the day is on (this does not update till I hit start now either).

Am I missing something here?

Logitech QuickCam Pro 4000

Everything should work except the zoom, I have not figured out a way to permanently disable that function.

Try setting up everything then on the setup page click “Save Settings”. Do that for each tab you are using in your setup.

Tried all that. The Zoom may not be under control or WD but every time I restart WD or hit the start now button the zoom turns back on. After a WD restart the webimage.jpg will not update unless I hit the start now button. I also have to re-tick show temp under overlay tab, and re-enter the jpg file save path under file save tab. What am I missing here?

Brian, shouldn’t WD be retaining these settings and restarting the capture after a restart?

Brian, shouldn't WD be retaining these settings and restarting the capture after a restart?

does for me

do you have the file create switch ON ?

Yes, same here. I don’t think WD is the problem. More likely it’s the driver for the 4000.

After a WD restart the webimage.jpg will not update unless I hit the start now button.

On the file save tab, ensure both buttons are green. Pick the jpg button for file destination. When the destination (including the filename – i.e. C:\wdisplay\webfiles\webcam\webcam.jpg) is showing in the box hit the save settings button. Not sure you’re missing anything. I made all my settings for file destination and overlay and then hit the save button. I then started the web capture and hit save settings. I have not had to mess with any of it since then. When WD starts, so does the web capture.

Both the main and save file switches are on. I have hit the save button between each tab and new entry and use the close button. Since it works for everyone else I will just restart the cam when I have to restart or upgrade. No biggie, have to come here to turn the zoom off anyway. Just restarts by it self when I am out of town would leave the web cam off.

I will look for something unique to my system which may be causing this.

Thanks again for all your input.

Logitech 4000 - same here on restart of WD. Doesn’t retain the ZOOM off. Have had this since I installed Logitech unit about 3 months ago and different versions of WD.

It appears to be a Logitech problem and not WD.

wd’s web cam calls the web cam drivers setup’s…
which screen is the zoom (i.e which config screen to you have to click on to get to the zoom?)
i.e, is the setting in WD being saved, on that setup screen, though?

edc, do you have more than 1 driver on the drop down selection?

It’s on the capture screen the button called device. I only have one driver listed.

One device also, I can get to it by the device button or Logitech’s utility (same screen). (Logitech QuickCam Pro 4000 (WDM))

Mine started up OK this last upgrade except for the zoom and the (overlay / show temperature). Are you sure show temperature is being saved? Even showed the file links, I read the other post where you said you were going to add that even though WD remembers them anyway.