I recently bought a Davis WM-II and want to link it to my pc to publish the data onto a web page. However, all I can find on the Davis and other web pages is that the software is compatable with Windows 95, 98, and NT 4. I have e mailed Davis directly (NO Reply!!!) to find out if the software was compatable with Windows XP. Can someone please let me know if Weatherlink is compatable with XP and what other software I need to achieve my goal?
yes, it is compatible
weather link comes with the data logger, which you need to connect to the pc, and the data logger is needed to run any software
As Windy says you’ll need to buy the Davis weatherlink package which includes the hardware (data logger) and free weatherlink software.
This is the spec sheet on the Davis website http://www.davisnet.com/product_documents/weather/spec_sheets/7862_wl54_spec.pdf it states [quote]Software System Requirements
Computer running Windows