Is a WeatherHawk station worth it? I’ve been doing some price checking on these stations…found one place selling the WeatherHawk 232 for about $1050 USD. Even thinking I might just build a 1 wire, over time…adding parts as I go.
Just thinking i’d eventually like to upgrade from the La Crosse 2010 in a couple of years (maybe sooner if sold the 2010 for a few hundred canadian). A station that would reliable for years to come and also one with realtime data flow.
If people could make some suggestions that would be great…experiences with weather station’s they have had over time etc .
As it is now…I only have a indoor thermometer in NZ…the Lacrosse is in Canada …lol father inlaw is enoying it :D. Hope he lets me have it back, when we get back 8O.