Weather talk set-up to will notopen

Hi, I cannot get the weather talk set-up to open. I go to the control panel click on the icon and it will not open. I can click the reset button and it says setting erased. Running WD 10.19s

there will most likely be an error reported under view, program error log
have you downloaded and installed the speech drivers from the download page?

Yes have the driver loaded have had it running all day yesterday. And there was an error in the log
ERROR: Invalid floating point operation at time/date 10:26:26 AM 11/16/2004.

does that error happen when you try to go to the weather talk setup, or when you first start up WD?

have you tried closing and restarting WD? sometimes when I get a window that does not open (and an error in the log to match up with the times I was trying) - a restart of WD seems to sort things out.

Hi, this was what was in the error log. Set up will not open when I click on the icon.
Yes have clear the log and restarted WD.
ERROR: Access violation at address 004507FE in module ‘WeatherD.exe’. Read of address 000002CC at time/date 3:49:59 PM 11/16/2004
ERROR: Access violation at address 004507FE in module ‘WeatherD.exe’. Read of address 000002CC at time/date 3:51:55 PM 11/16/2004

and after click on reset, next to the weather talk setup, then restart wd and see what happens?

the other trick is to re install the speech drivers, too

Hi still no go! Reinstall all the voice divers. Click the weather talk reset, rebooted pc and still not able to open weather talk set up. Reinstalled 10.19s and the same thing not able to open weather talk set up went back to 10.19r. Everything else seems to be working fine.

I set mine up for the heck of it and it worked until I tried to go back in and change the settings, now mine won’t open either… #-o

ERROR: Error reading TTSfile.ModeName: The value assigned to the ModeName property is invalid at time/date 0:07:20 11/17/04
ERROR: Access violation at address 004507FE in module ‘WeatherD.exe’. Read of address 000002CC at time/date 0:07:22 11/17/04
ERROR: Access violation at address 004507FE in module ‘WeatherD.exe’. Read of address 000002CC at time/date 0:07:24 11/17/04
ERROR: Access violation at address 004507FE in module ‘WeatherD.exe’. Read of address 000002CC at time/date 0:07:25 11/17/04
ERROR: Access violation at address 004507FE in module ‘WeatherD.exe’. Read of address 000002CC at time/date 14:16:51 11/17/04
ERROR: Access violation at address 004507FE in module ‘WeatherD.exe’. Read of address 000002CC at time/date 14:16:55 11/17/04

wd 10.19s, xppro, davis vantage pro

I set this up to try it out having never used it. It is making and uploading the mp3 (cool feature btw Brian, saves lots of space) to my website and adds the link to play the file. However, the link it adds refers to talkingnew2.mp3 whereas the file that it creates and uploads is called talkingnew.mp3, so when you click on the link you get a not found error.

I have not had time to see how to change that yet.

It also repeats itself, in the the mp3 file. In other words, it says the weather twice. I need to look at the custom dialog, that looks pretty cool.

Error reading TTSfile.ModeName: The value assigned to the ModeName property is invalid at
scot try that reset trick and see if you can get back in make sure that you click on save settings after making changes and that you select a speech type and voice driver
However, the link it adds refers to talkingnew2.mp3 w
where is that in wd/web site? thanks

i just set up the weather voice here in wd
it works OK
and I can get back to that setup page

here is a page with the links to the drivers.,.,…

that migth help
(i.e maybe try reinstalling those drivers)

Is this what you mean?

Click here to listen to the current weather conditions

That is the html that wd is producing, but it is uploading the file as talkingnew.mp3 instead of talkingnew2.mp3…

ok, found and fixed that for the next version

You fixed this problem…The sound file also only reads the weather once now…


one thing that has come to light:
you need to download and install the British speech driver from the download page as well