Is the large picture in the main window supposed to be current conditions or a forecast?
I just updated to 10.20i and there is a much more attractive “clear night” picture. The only problem is that it is the only picture that displays ever!
Is the large picture in the main window supposed to be current conditions or a forecast?
I just updated to 10.20i and there is a much more attractive “clear night” picture. The only problem is that it is the only picture that displays ever!
I believe the icon that appears on main screen is usually the current conditions but can be altered by several different settings.
Setup> Control panel> Summary image/icon … Show the icons on the main screen - an off/on choice - if tick what updates the icon?
Setup> Control panel> Summary image/icon … Show the WM918/WMR918/etc forecast for updating the Icon. (I believe this the only way the icon will not be showing current conditions)
There are several options as to how the icon is updated also on this page. (metar selected under FTP/Internet Setup> FTP/Metar download tab)
There are additional icon update choices on other menus.
Setup> Units/other settings> Other setting
tick - Update icon with temperature
tick - Update icon with windspeed
Setup> Solar setup>
tick - Set the weather icon (unless raining)from the solar data
There may be more possibilities not yet discovered, and if to many are selected at the same time who knows what will happen. So choose wisely. #-o
Hope this helps,
Also check under - Input Daily Weather> Local weather conditions update>
make sure “Use this image as icon, then click OK” is unticked.
Icon will never update if this is ticked.
also check you have your lat/long set correct, under view, sun/moon rise/set
(which if its a upgrade from a much older version, that will have to be re setup
Thanks for trying to help, Gus and Brian. I’m not trying to upload to a web page or do anything fancy; I just want the main window to display stuff the way I want it. Things were OK before I updated to 10.20i, and I don’t plan to give up until I get this right.
Gus, I poked around as you suggested, and I couldn’t get the icon to change from “clear night.” I even unclicked “show moon” and the moon picture was still there. However, I couldn’t find the " Input Daily Weather> Local weather conditions update>" you described in your second message. Then I did a View, Summary image and weather icons, which had the correct daytime icon, and when I came back to the main screen it also had the correct icon. So, as is so often true for me with complicated programs, something is fixed, and I have no clue as to what fixed it. :?
Brian, I’ve added the lat/long/altitude, something I didn’t have entered before.