Weather display + weather display live+Rain rate

Hi all i wonder if anybody can help. I seem to be having trouble reseting the yearly rain rate as we now in 2005 and it still got last years rain also im having trouble downloading new versions of WD it lets me download about 62% then stops and my p c crashes.Also is it worth downloading the new version of WDL and how would i go about it with out upsetting my website.This is my website

Some other people have noticed that the rains stuff does not reset until you have some rain this year, dont know if this is your problem.

As to the download, I have had no trouble today downloading the latest 10.20x. What are you using to d/l IE, Firefox or something else? Are you using a d/l manager?

I use BT broadband to try and download WD also tried a test with rain guage but it still does not reset yearly rain.I have done some other test and managed to reset rainfall totals but could only do it in inches rather than mm

I have now tried to download the latest version of WD on BT and IE but still with no joy.

Maybe try this link to the latest full version of WD:

And for WDL:

I use these as my satellite connection just doesn’t want to d/l the files from the normal page.

Still no joy what ever method i try it gets as far as 64% downloaded and stops and my pc seems to crash

My upload speed is slow, but if you want to try this link and see if it works for you to aid in troubleshooting…

I really cant think whats wrong I still have same problem 64% and it crashes. All i can think of doing is uninstalling it and then try and reinstall but i would rather not do that as i would need to re register and i had a lot of problems setting WD up in the first place.

Very strange problem. Have you verified your hard drive has space available? Maybe do a disk cleanup and defrag…

Hello Ozzie,

Downloading an updated version of WD would not be affected by your currently installed version. If you are having a problem with downloading it from multiple locations the problem would most likely be either a Browser or OS issue but wouldn’t involve WD itself…

Did you try the .zip version as that is a smaller doanload?


I have 91 GB free on disc drive c and 114 GB on D drive i can try a disk clean up and defrag and see if that helps and yes i have tried zip version and still the same problem.

O k i have done a clean up , defrag and virus scan and still have same problems Hmmmm now im well lost.

unintalling wd should not be needed, and generally should not be needed to be done at all, and I dont think its the cause of your problems at all
(and using the windows uninstall as long as you dont manualy delete the wdisplay.ini file from c:\windows or c:\winnt and you dont clear the registry of wdisplayftp.ini, then no settings will be lost)

when you select the location and file name to download the file, wdisplay32.exe, try selecting a different location and a different file name

Hi again Ozzie,

Long shot… But I have seen at least one machine where clicking on a download link started the download but would never finish it. Never figured out what the problem was but for that situation right clicking the link and selecting “Save As” worked to complete downloads…

Just a thought and good luck,

I just tried to download it again and call it Weather display 2 not any problems with download but needs re registering that way and comes up with error and needs to close but i still cant understand why i cant do it on the normal file im using

Since all the updates are named the same what I do is save the d/l to my desktop, then rename it to include the version number, then move the file to a folder where I keep all past versions. Exit WD completely. From the versions folder I double click the file and install. Since WD has already been installed on this computer it defaults to installing it in the same place. NOTE: You must exit the running version of WD before attempting to install the new version.

the trick is ozzie is to make sure you are installing to the same location as before on your hard drive

It may be a problem with a corrupted cache in IE. Try clearing the cache - Tools… Internet Options… Delete Files.

Phil i have just tried what you have suggested but im afraid still same problem.I have tried to save it on the same location and still no joy

O k i have come to the conclusion that im totally hopeless on my pc and just cant sort out WD is there a registerd version you can buy on disk and the same with WDL.I think i may have to copy my settings and uninstall WD and try again.