Weather Display watch new instance each time it restarts

:frowning: Each time Weather display watch dog restarts weather display another instance of the watch program is started. I’ve seen as many as 8 copies in my tasks and when I’ve had a problem caused by another program it caused more than one instance of weather display to try and start. This is a windows XP pro SP2 system

which version of wd are you using?
make sure its the latest, and make sure you exit the wdwatch program before installing the new latest full verison, so you get a updated wdwatch
i dont use the wdwatch myself…no need

I was Using 17X but will get latest and maksure the FTP program is down and see what happens


10.18d did not solve the problem. It’s related to other processes using a lot of COU cycles so that Weather Display does not seem to have enough an error occurs and windows pops up with the message asking if you want to debug or shutdown and a during thisprocess a second instance is stared as well as a second watch dog. and things cascade from ther untill yiou go into task manage and shut things down. If an error occurs at night you can end up with lot sod watchg dogs in the morning

good news
10.18y of WD, full download,which has 1.3 vers of wdwatch.exe, is OK
i have fixed it,and made the changes necassary

humm, i spoke too soon/////humm re looking at it

ah, got it fixed this time
uploading a new 10.18y version now
it stopped working when i added in the nexstorm integration