It’s now about 7 weeks since Brian (author of Weather Display) logged into this forum. I know he’s been active online elsewhere during this time so I assume he’s actively choosing not to log in and particate here.
If you require support for Weather Display, then feel free to post a message here, but please be aware that it will only be answered by other forum users who may be able to offer suggestions of how to fix the issue, or it’s possible that nobody who is logged in knows the answer. If the issue appears to be a bug then nobody other that Brian has the source code and therefore the ability to fix code. If other forum users aren’t able to resolve your question I can only suggest that you try to contact Brian directly by email (his email is on the Weather Display web site). I don’t know if you’ll be successful in contacting him or whether he is still providing answers/bug fixes on an individual basis by email.
A few people have asked whether Weather Display is now AbandonWare, i.e. no longer developed or supported by the author. I can’t answer that. It’s possible Brian is providing support through other routes that I’m not aware of. You will have to draw your own conclusions based on the same lack of information that I have!