“The PC does a fair bit so a restart every day keeps it fresh and fast.”
why do this all the time?
My WD weather PC is on 24/7 and the only time it gets a restart is on windows update.
WD clears it memory every 6 hours, and I have never had a problem running it.
But if it works for you then thats fine
Same here - I’ve been burned in the past when WD closes unexpectedly, especially due to an automatic Windows update. To mitigate this, in Settings → Windows Update, I choose “Pause Updates” for 5 weeks. Typically, once per week, I manually check for Windows updates and if a restart is required I gracefully close WD after I backup the INI and REG via the Action menu and save those two files to my cloud. Why? Once during a Windows Update my PC failed to restart and I had to reinstall Windows that included wiping the drive. Having an “offsite” backup of those two files allowed me to reinstall WD using those files. If the only backup had been on the PC, I would have had to reconfigure WD from scratch.
Sometimes I can get WD to work, more often or not it takes several goes (where WD loads but doesn’t connect to the Vue. If this happens I have to restart WD; often several times).
When it doesn’t work, I get this line in my debug log:
Connection failed com port 3
This issue occurs when I manually open WD, let alone after my PC is auto restarted every day.
I’ve tried removing and reinstalling the com port driver.