Either way, you can get this data from your MH. Just use the tcpip settings instead of navigating to the clientraw, which from my understanding of Meteohub, IS produced by that platform. Although it is beyond the scope of support here, there is a published online manual for MH outlining it’s ability to generate “clientraw.txt”, “clientrawextra.txt”, “clientrawdaily.txt”, “clientrawhour” :
All you need to know to get the file is the address on that server to navigate to (i.e. 10.0.1./whatever folder/clientraw.txt, or 192.168.1./whatever folder/clientraw.txt, etc) OR the http address of the MH server to send the http info you would put into the left side of the control panel mentioned above. Once you get into the Metohub box, you will find those files in /myweb uploads/
EDIT: I wish I had a mh here to test for you Jon, but I am thinking that this device should already be appearing as a mounted device on your network and viewable from your Mac right now. If so, you would see it in any open window in your Mac desktop. If your settings for the Finder are "Finder Menu>Preferences> “Show these items on the desktop” and mounted servers is check, Mac Bonjour should discover the MH and show it on your Desktop as well as in the sidebar if another finder pref setting is selected. In that case, you should be able to navigate right into the box from your desktop.
How can I wipe out Weather Display's settings file so that I can start over from scratch?To delete all your WD settings , delete the wdisplay.ini and wdisplayftp.ini files located in /Library/application Support/wdisplay folder .
Last Edit There is also a thread on the forum for connecting to the Meteohub via tcp (streaming) as you mentioned above but the clientraw.txt access will offer a better data set. Here is the thread for the Windows version but you should be able to get it done using one of these methods:
Very Last Edit Also upon further reading, another neat feature you could use with your Meteohub is to have IT upload the clientraw to your Mac. Knowing your Mac’s ip address, the address would be http://“www.yourMac’sHostname or ip address from the Sharing Control Panel”/ then you will find it in the /Library/Documents/ folder if WebSharing and file sharing is turned on. In this scenario, you would navigate to that folder in WD to read the clientraw.txt file in the same manner shown above.
There are many options here.