Hi I am a new user just starting out, I set up my VP a week ago with Weather Data. All has been well until this morning when for some reason it has virtually stopped recieving data from the station. It will recieve 1 or 2 packets of data then nothing for several minutes then 1 packet every 2 -5 minutes if I’m lucky.
I have checked my comm port connection which is OK. Also tried weather link which still works perfectly. Have I done something in the settings? I can’t seem to find the problem.
Any help apreciated. Sorry if it is me missing something simple.
Thanks Paul #-o
what does it say across the top of the weather display window title bar?
It reads :- Comm OK #1 Comm OK #1 Weather Display Version 10.21e
For information It has recieved 68 data packets in the last 90 minutes or so.
Thanks Paul
anything changed in the com port setup?
also, though, what is the VP console reception like?
is the data received ligth flashing every few seconds?
what does a program restart do?
I don’t think anything has changed on the com port set up.
The data recieved light is flashing regularily every second or so but the data recieved total doesn’t go up.
A restart seems to down load information from the console as normal but it doesn’t insert the information onto the display, after a few minutes as a few packets get across the display fills with information, but then only changes very infrequently as the odd packet goes across…
Thanks Paul
Also the data quality light is green all the time #-o
Thanks Paul