Weather display error (2)

Can anyone help me on this please i had weather display running fine yesturday and was updating my web page fine and then it stopped updating my web it comes up with this.
list of files uploaded*
actual messages from upload session*
Start Time/date:00:26:04 11/12/2004
ERROR: Win32 Error. Code: 14.
Not enough storage is available to complete this
operation at time/date 00:26:04 11/12/2004 agenda item:
Doing abort procedure/program close…
Will stay connected…
but i do not understand why as i have 95.88 GB of free space on my C drive could anybody please help and is there any advice on how to stop this happening again



Could this be a web provider issue?

Its possible but how do i find out and fix it

You will have to do this after trying to update your web page.

Look at the ftplogfull.txt in the wdisplay directory. Do you have an entry like this:
Time/date:8:50:28 AM 11/12/2004
Logging onto FTP server…
Connecting to FTP server.
220 FTP-XXX server ready
331 Password required for
230- Your disk quota is: 400.00 megabytes
230- Your disk usage is: 159.98 megabytes (40.00% of quota)

Go to your web page provider support and inquire as to the limits of your
web page.

you can always delete some old images or something, then try again. if it works, you will know it is a ISP space issue

Web hosts usually do backups every night. I’ve found that the backup takes quite a bit of space and some providers don’t include that in you disk space usage.

Just a thougt…

All i seem to get is
list of files uploaded*
FTPUPD.EXE finished at 23:24:41 11/12/2004
Time taken = 0.03 minutes
Total bytes uploaded =


Have you asked the owner of the server you ftp your site to about space limitations? Usually ISP’s limit web space available to subscribers. Perhaps you have reached your limit? Do you have telnet access to your web server? If so you can login and verify how much space you’re using on their server. ISP’s normally include everything from your root directory on down, so be sure to add every directory to the total space used.

but i do not understand why as i have 95.88 GB of free space on my C drive

I assumed you were ftp’ing your website to an external server…

Its lycros im using as a free web server as this is still all new to me with getting websites and it throws me at the best of times

Understand. I thought maybe you weren’t actually sending your data to an external server and I just wanted to clarify how you were handling your site.

Do they provide a way for you to check how much disk space you have used? Looks like Lycos Tripod has a 50MB limit for free web space. Is it possible you have reached the limit on disk space with them?

What is the file name you are trying to upload? Your logfile shows you are trying to upload the file EGBE.txt. Usually a webpage will be an .htm or .html file type. If EGBE.txt is correct, what is it’s file size? If it’s too large, your IP won’t allow it to upload.

Looks like a windows memory error, not an ftp error. What OS and how much free memory do you have?

I am running windows XP with AMD athlon XP3000+, 2.17GHz,

Hmmm, I think that theory just bit the dust big time :slight_smile: Just out of curiosity what do you show in the Total Commit Charge box of Task Manager, that shows the total usage of physical RAM and memory swapped to disk.

In task manager the commit charge is as follows


Hmmmm, Press Alt+Ctrl+Del…

Sorry i went a bit brain dead on that the info is at the bottom of page one on this thread.

Right click on the bottom bar on the screen


I did manage to find the memory in the end thankyou for the advice i hope this helps the problem the information is at the bottom of page one

this is all frustrating i tried deleting some old files and still no joy