Weather-display custom climate report

is it possible to modify the current climate data reports template to add stuff?

I would like to add wind run and max and min baro to the report, but i don’t have a clue how to do so

I don’t know the answer, but your link doesn’t seem to go to a page related to this. It displays a PRTG monitoring page which would appear to be an IT cloud infrastructure monitoring tool.

Link works for me in Edge, although my own file looks like this:

And I don’t know the answer, either :confused:

That is strange Chris I can see it ok I wonder why you get something different

That using safari on iPad

The tags used in the climatedata.html are different to the tagslist.txt and only appear to work with that part of the program so new tags would have to be created
You can try asking Brian but for a one off I suspect the answer would be no

I get…


Interesting…that was using Chrome. I get the same page as you’re seeing using Firefox.

Funny that i got that page when using chrome, but the correct page using Edge…
My page on mine is also like that with no info

The file we are seeing is two versions and is the template file which WD uses to create the climatedataout.html file which has the actual data in that is used on the websites

Opps Yes the climatedataout.html is fine-----Senior moment…

Chrome automatic default to https. You need to switch it to http:// (just click and edit the https

I did found a tag for maximum and minimum barometers in the tag list.

However when I enter it climate data report shows wild numbers in that column like 37820 for max baro using %barom1%

Confirmed. Probably time to investigate moving your site to https.

Hi, This template (showing the solar data) is exactly what I want. Can someone tell me how I get WD to export that .html to my webfiles folder. I don’t need to export data to a web page, only for person use.


replace your climatedata.html with this one (4.3 KB)
in your webfiles folder this will create the climatedataout.html usually at 00:10 as part of the averages extreme upload
as you do not have a website then in ftp connection tab untick use wd ftp if not already done and turn on main internet if the files fail to create in the webfiles folder