Conditions at AWS Burncross, Sheffield @ 09Z
Maximum 11.3c
Minimum 5.2c
Present 8.4c
Dew Point 6.2c
Grass Minimim 2.0c
Humidity 86%
Pressure 996mb Falling Slowly
Visibilty 4
Clouds 100% St
Wind 11.6mph South East
Previous 24 hours
Precipitation 2mm
Wind Gust 29.1mph
Sunshine 1.03 hours
Present Conditions;
The predicted storm has broken with winds up to 30mph at 09Z the visibity was poor in a heavy squall. The just keep coming and going with sunshine in between in the 90 minutes to now 10.30Z 4mm of rain has fallen and .08 hours of sun with a maximum wind gust of 30.4 mph from the South West