Weather Astronomy Page

I made the change, how can I see if it is correct now?
Thank you

I made the change, thanks :grinning:

sorry but I can’t understand one thing when I insert these 2 strings into the testtags.txt file:
$moontransittime = ‘%moontransittime%’; // Moon transit time
$moontransit = ‘%moontransit%’; // Moon transit date time

then in the testtags.php file it appears like this, as if it wasn’t reading the data, how can I solve it?
$moontransittime = ‘—’; // Moon transit time
$moontransit = ‘—’; // Moon transit date time

Thank you

Suggest you replace your testtags.txt with the one you downloaded from Ken’s post earlier as they may not be in the right place also what shows in WD as per my screen shot

Look bottom right if possible can you do a screen shot of yours as the ones at the bottom of your astronomy page are from February so need to know if it working there

Thank you, Ken. Much appreciated.