WDL for Dummies

you need to provide more information, other than, it does not work

the more information the easier it is to help you

i.e, copy and paste where what appears in the clientrawrealtimeftp program for the ftp log information

200 Type set to A.
PORT 192,168,1,2,9,165
200 PORT command successful.
STOR clientraw.txt
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for clientraw.txt.
226 Transfer complete.
File uploaded at time :21:12:14
200 Type set to A.
PORT 192,168,1,2,9,175
200 PORT command successful.
STOR clientraw.txt
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for clientraw.txt.
226 Transfer complete.
File uploaded at time :21:12:39

Anything wrong with this?

what is needed is the login part, at the start, to see what directory its going to, and then you can set the xml file to point to that, if its not the same directory as where you have the WDL files
(i.e you can set the remote directory for the clientraw files in the webfiles/web page setup, real time ftp setup)

Connecting to FTP server.
220-Microsoft FTP Service
220 BFD Weather Upload
USER 306
331 Password required for 306.
230 User 306 logged in.
200 Type set to A.
PORT 192,168,1,2,10,158
200 PORT command successful.
STOR clientraw.txt
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for clientraw.txt.
226 Transfer complete.
File uploaded at time :21:21:49

Brian is this better?

it looks like you have no remote directory set
so, in your wdl xml file , you have to set the location of the clientraw.txt files
in this section:


also, you have a mistake in your html file, you are not pointing to the xml file correctly
you have

instead of which is needed

(and you need to change the other references in that
file too

remembers, where it comes to computers and the internet, things need to be exact

or set the remote directory as per my post above

OK now we really seem to be making progress except it says a I have a serial number error. The number was put in the config file…any suggestions?

try this number instead:


and then save and re upload the xml file

nearly there

the number does not work at the moment because of the change in the directory
but the new number i have posted above should now work hopefully

Nope…niether one worked. Got to the configuring and then got the serial number error.

but you have not changed it here:

Ok it appears you have a couple of config files but not one where your WDL actual page is calling it.

Calls this http://www.branfordfire.com/wdlconfig.xml

It probably needs to call this: http://www.branfordfire.com/weather/LiveWeather/wdlconfig.xml

I would suggest stepping back and working within one directory and one set of files…


Changed in both locations and still serial number error!

Jax I have no idea what that means…this is really embarrassing!

the way it at the moment, you need to update this xml file:
which you have not done yet
(i.e in the weather directory, one up from the

Update the serial???

They both have this number 4223012669 as far as I can see.

so now try:

also, though, was this the premium or normal version of WDL?

Premium edition. And I’ll try the new number.

Thank you Thank you. Finally SUCCESS

note, you dont have actualy have the premium version in use…which is why the first code did not work…the premium version shows no WDL and version number in the bottom right hand corner