WDL works by converting the domain to a number and validating that so if the domain was different, ie with a www prefix, it would expect to see a different number. I don’t mind giving you an extra serial number in a situation like this where it’s clearly the same domain but getting WDL to automatically understand it wouldn’t be easy without changing the way serial numbers are generated.
You can work around this with html though. Simply look at the page referrer in javascript and if it’s not from say www.myweb.com simply redirect the request to the correct page.
WDL works by converting the domain to a number and validating that so if the domain was different, ie with a www prefix, it would expect to see a different number. I don't mind giving you an extra serial number in a situation like this where it's clearly the same domain but getting WDL to automatically understand it wouldn't be easy without changing the way serial numbers are generated.
You can work around this with html though. Simply look at the page referrer in javascript and if it’s not from say www.myweb.com simply redirect the request to the correct page.
I’ll do the redirect, it’s easy enough and won’t require you to change serial number generating coding.