Wdisplay.ini and Restarting Wdisplay after upgrade

Help please…

I’ve been reading the FAQ’s and other posts and it seems the Wdisplay.ini file should have much more info in it than what I have.

This is all that I have in my Wdisplay.ini file:



My wdisplayinibackup.ini has 410 lines of data


When I have to close WD for upgrade or reboot etc., I always have missing data in the graphs for Indoor temp and Solar (which I have plotting instead of indoor humidy, blocked in) upon restarting WD.
The Indoor temp is always reset to 68 degrees F until the next data retreval.

I have been unable to sucessfully edit the logfiles or use the correct graphs feature to fix these issues.

station: WS2510

Thanks, Dave

where are you finding that file?
it will be in c:\windows or c:\winnt

as for the solar from data extraction at start up, i will investigate that…
(the davis VP looks to have the same issue)

Oh…I now see the Wdisplay.ini in the windows folder which has the data.

Both files i noted above were in the WD program folder.

Since there was an .ini file in program directory I didn’t look in the windows directory.

Thanks for the timely reply.

there is only 1 registry entry and 1 (well 2 minor ones) c:\windows or c:\winnt entry
thats all

it just made it a bit safer (i.e you are less likely to accidently delete important info)
sorry, but i think you are overreacting

sorry, Brian…

The note at the bottom of previous post was not intended nor necessarily apply to Wdisplay…sorry if it came off that way…mostly I am quiet pleased with your software.

I am having problems with a new HP printer which uninstalled itself this mornning and now I can’t re-install it…it gets about half way through then backs itself out and sayes try again… uninstalling it still leaves files and registry enteries.

Sorry, Again

message for dpawley…

I had a similar problem with a HP printer, visited the HP website, and downloaded an uninstall utility which removed the debris, and allowed a new installation. Worth checking. :?

i over reacted too, you caught me at a bad moment…(kids must have been screaming or something (about to kill each other (thats pretty normal, LOL))