WDdatabase refusing to start

Help !!!

I’m having a problem trying to get WDD to start, this is the windows error message i am getting in the sendto microsoft report

AppName: wddata~1.exe AppVer: ModName: kernel32.dll
ModVer: 5.1.2600.2180 Offset: 0001eb33

plus the additional log file attached

any ideas ???



7203_appcompat.txt (39.9 KB)

when you first run the wddatabase program, set the username and password as wd and wd (bring up the window to enter that)
try that?

Tried that same problem, and same error messages.

The only thing that I have changed recently is I installed the 1 wire usb drivers, I have uninstalled them now, rebooted, and re installed WDDatabase, but still get the same error message.



maybew re check the windows settings under the ODBC (data srources, administration, via control panel)?

That fixed it :smiley: . The ODBC link had lost its dbase location.

How could that happen ?

I must stop making changes.
I must stop making changes.
I must stop making changes.
I must stop making changes.

Thanks for you help :smiley:


good news
computers huh