WD v10.20o is running well for me. No error entry in the Program error log for 24 hours.
thats good
just working now on reducing memory useage for when the custom screens are in use (and also fixing quirks with the custom screen too)
yeah just installed it and running fine - although I have confused it at the moment I think.
While updating there was some rainfall so I got my knickers in a twist trying to find the best way to adjust the totals which resulted in values all over the place and several all time records being broken for a flood that I seemed to create! I ended up having to adjust various values and manually change the December logfile and convert to graphs etc lol
Now WD’s rain rate is stuck at a certian value - I think I have it confused - it is continuing to rain and I have totals all correct again so I am sure WD will sort itself out - it is quite a robust program, and tinkering with it is a good wya to learn it!
nice one Brian.