WD v10.19k "ftpupd.exe" fails

WD v10.19k 11-09-2004 04:53 .exe and .zip
“ftpupd.exe” hangs when attempt to upload BFCweather.html.
WD v10.19k Will not update web page.
WD 10.19f updates web page ok.

the ftpupd.exe program has not changed since the 22nd oct
so not sure whats up…

Total bytes uploaded for the month = 59428672 K
FTPUPD.EXE started at 2:37:00 AM 11/9/2004
agenda items to do…
Files to upload*
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\forecast5day.gif
Remote files: forecast5day.gif
list of files uploaded*

FTPUPD.EXE finished at 2:37:10 AM 11/9/2004
Time taken = 0.07 minutes
Total bytes uploaded = 0 K

Went back to 10.19f FTPUPD.EXE uploaded all files ok.
Total bytes uploaded for the month = 59428672 K
list of files uploaded*

FTPUPD.EXE finished at 2:39:32 AM 11/9/2004
Time taken = 0.07 minutes
Total bytes uploaded = 346 K
Total bytes uploaded for the month = 59429018 K
FTPUPD.EXE started at 2:40:01 AM 11/09/04
agenda items to do…
Files to upload*
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\BFCweather.html
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\BFCweather.gif
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\realtimegraph.gif
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\extrarealtimegraph.gif
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\trends.gif
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\summary.gif
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\vprealtimegraph.gif
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\forecast5day.gif
Remote files: BFCweather.html
Remote files: BFCweather.gif
Remote files: realtimegraph.gif
Remote files: extrarealtimegraph.gif
Remote files: trends.gif
Remote files: summary.gif
Remote files: vprealtimegraph.gif
Remote files: forecast5day.gif
list of files uploaded*
FTPUPD.EXE finished at 2:40:25 AM 11/9/2004
Time taken = 0.02 minutes
Total bytes uploaded = 0 K
Total bytes uploaded for the month = 59429018 K

This FTP failure occurred after WD crashed at 11:55 PM (Data backup?). And I restarted WD near 02:30 AM.

Forget this as I have updated to v10.19n :lol: