I found a thread on installing the DS9490 and using I-button software to get the port number of the installed DS9490 (driver installed already- V4beta3). The ibutton program(used auto detect) found the DS9490 at USB1. So I went to the WD Control Panel>ComPortSetUp and ticked: (a) USB adaptor, and (b) COM1 (since I didn’t see a USB1 and you have to choose a Com port). The device shows up OK and in the Device Manager, first on the list as “1 Wire device” and sub to it “USB host for 1 Wire” and is listed as “this device is working properly”. The driver is listed as “DS2490.sys” in the directory under WNNT\System32\Drivers\DS2490.sys. I’m running W2K.
I get no data from the DS9490R. I rebooted WD and it still just sits there with blank fields. If I unplug the microLAN and put it back into the DS9097U com port and change WD back to COM3, WD works like a charm again. Should I be using the COM1 setting for USB1? Help would really be appreciated. Thanks.
i have one here
works OK
make sure you have ticked USB adaptor
and then select com port 1
and then restart wd
try that
Hi Brian, I have the USB and the com port 1 ticked. I have restarted WD and rebooted the computer (multiple times), checked the driver (device manager says suitable driver). When I start WD I get a red light for data quality. After I hit RESET/SAVE on the Dallas setup page, the DATA QUALITY light turns solid green and the DATA RECEIVED flashes green but at about 2 times per second and it flashed too regularly. The list of found and allocated ROM ID on the Dallas page can not find any sensors, no temp, no direction, no hum etc. None are detected. Hmmm. ???
i just tried it again here with my dallas 1 wire vers 3 station and a usb adaptor
works great
email me settings file, wdisplay.ini from c:\windows or c:\winnt so i can check it out
I sent the file to your [email protected]
After you said the .ini file did not show COM1 for the port choice I checked windows explorer and found duplicate files of the .ini file and wdisplay. I deleted the duplicates and it ran OK on the DS9097U but will not run on the DS9490R. So I am trying to load the new 10.13o version of WD to get a fresh start, but when I do the install it does fine until it get to:
C:\Program Files IBFS32.DLL
An error occurred while trying to replace the existing file:
File access denied.
I went to the file (W2K) and it had “everyone” chosen for access and I added “Administrator” with full access. When I try to reinstall WD10.13 it goes back to the same file access denied error for that file. If I “ignore” the file it will not install the wdisplay.exe file… What would you suggest? Thanks, Mick in the dog house.
i didnt mean that…
i just said that maybe its not actualy com 1 that it needs to be set on…
that error means that file is in use
i.e there is still a version of weatherd.exe runnining in memory
kill it off with task manager, processes…
that looks to happen with the use of the USB port…that weatherd.exe is not exiting cleanly
but, also, that dll file (used by the dallas 1 wire routines), sometimes needs a pc reboot to fully free it up
Yeah, “weatherd.exe” was running in memory and it deleted with task manager and WD10.13o loaded just fine. New WD not working with the DS9490R. I think I originally( a couple years ago) installed WD in the default location of C: At a later install, I installed a newer version of WD in C:/Program Files (not realizing at the time that it was leaving some files behind) where it has been running great for over a year. Could some old file left over on “C:” instead of the Program Files folder be part of the problem?
I ran the DS port selector program “SetPrt32” in autodetect and it found:
“1-Wire Adaptor DS9490 discovered” and I chose it as my default 1-wire port. So I guess the port is working but what do I put in the WD port setting? “Com1” (which is where I had it). I reset the com port to 3 and unticked USB and hooked up to the DS9097U and it works fine again. I need to use the DS9490R USB to free up a COM port for my old Temp05 as I am splitting up my sensors to increase overall reliability.
it should work with com port 1 and Usb port selected
it does for me
I am not sure why its not working for you
The other sensors for the Temp05 will be inside temp sensors for HomeSeer. The 9490 will do the weather station, lightning, hum, solar and rain.
I got the DS “1-Wire API for Java Setup Wizard” running and it recognizes the DS9490 as adaptor port “USB1”. But when you hit “NEXT” in this program is gives the window “Error Loading specified adaptor” with the message “1-Wire net not available”. Hmmm. I am at a loss of what to try next. Mick in Montana. I’m feeling a little technologicly jinxed lately. Aarg!! (Yup, the pirate thing…)
maybe not all the USB drivers got loaded correctly?
try doing that all agian?
(from the aag web site)
I reinstalled the drivers for the DS9490 and it gives the same result. The computer recognizes the DS9490 USB device and apparently the driver is assingned appropriately. I think the problem is that I can’t tell WD where the DS9490 port is located (what com port). Com port 1 thru 4 are currently in use with other devices. I think Com port 5 is the HomeSeer PCI Phone modem. I have two USB devices in use, one is a UPS and the other is the USB Host for 1-Wire that I am trying to get the DS9490 to work with. Do you know a way to list the Com devices in W2K (the device manager will not list anything beyond my com ports 1 to 4)? The PCI modem, Cable modem and USB ports are not listed with com ports in the Device Manager. I once had a program that listed all the com ports and the devices that were hooked to them but it has been too long ago and I don’t know where/what the program was.
i would try using the I button viewer, which you can download from the aag web site
and that will show which com port it is…
in wd, if you have usb ticked, then the com port numbers then relate to the port number that usb adaptor is on…mine is in port 1, but that is actualy different to a normal com port 1…i.e its usb adaptor #1 port,.,
make sense?
i was just having a brain fart…
maybe try the USB adaptor with only 1 wire device on it…
i.e it might be even less tolerant of your microlan setup./…
I know this is an OLD topic, but I’m having the same problem with the AGG USB adapter. I have to “untick” USB and then “retick” USB on the comm port setup page to get WD to recognize the USB adapter. iButton viewer “sees” the USB adapter and attached DS1820 fine after a reboot, just not WD. Any suggestion ??