Now I have weather display running again on windows. I really like to get the whole system running on Linux (Durban woody)
The system I have is debian woody. xwindows is kde, the weather system is Dallas 1wire, (this is a problem for later)
I downloaded the files from the linux page Weather Display - the Weather Station software
Unpacked it in my weather directory, and set the GoWeather and WeatherD executables, and this is happening
weer@G3-server:~/wdisplay$ sh ./WeatherD: cannot execute binary file
weer@G3-server:~/wdisplay$ ls -l
total 12492
-rw-rw-r-- 1 weer weer 93 Jul 27 2003 CHANGES
-rwxrwxr-x 1 weer weer 602 Jan 7 15:56
-rw-rw-r-- 1 weer weer 349 Jul 28 2003 INSTALL
-rw-rw-r-- 1 weer weer 32 Jul 28 2003 LICENCE
-rw-rw-r-- 1 weer weer 114 Jul 28 2003 README
-rwxrwxr-x 1 weer root 12697700 Sep 20 22:50 WeatherD
drwxr-xr-x 2 weer weer 4096 Feb 14 2005 deploy
-rw-rw-r-- 1 weer weer 44745 Jul 23 2003 owntemplate.txt
I did tryed that, but no results. The binary Will not start. Not even as root. I do all these things in a window in kde, where I am user ‘weer’ (weather in dutch).
Is there something wrong withe files, or is my debian missing someting. I’m running debian on a powerpc.
normal things are working fine here.
Or need I to compile the weatherdisplay self to eliminate machine difference?
G3-server:~# apt-cache show libc6
Package: libc6
Priority: required
Section: base
Installed-Size: 14744
Maintainer: Ben Collins [email protected]
Architecture: powerpc
Source: glibc
Version: 2.2.5-11.5
It look like a bit older version… Is glibc6 the main requirement for weatherdisplaylinux?
I didn’t know x86 linux apps would run on a G3 Mac without a rom board.
Anyway, the Dallas 1-wire won’t run on the linux WD yet. (I’m patiently waitng for that too)
For the 1wire you can use and only the owwnui version (oww no user interface). Put this in a file, and convert this to data that wdlinux can read. For me this allready has worked, only wd didnot work, and I use rrdtool to generate pictures.
This workaround is not so easy, but is should work.
Only I have at this moment my networkserver powered by a Apple computer. This is different and a nice experiment to go with.
I think, that the wdlinux binary is made for a i386, and not for a ppc machine. This I can solve if there is a possibility to get a sourcetar, an recompile the wdlinux the ppc world.