i have following problems with the linux-version 3.7. i am a LINUX-Newbie.
the language, i use is the german language selection. the
Hello Vergil,
I use KDE 3.2.1 with SUSE LINUX 9.1 language DE. i dont know, where i can find out, which font is in use, i think it is western iso8859-1. this font-script appears, when i set the fonts/colours in the WD-color-setup-screen. when i change this field, WD ignore it and sets automatically western iso8859-1. I also dont know, how i can change the initial font-script in LINUX…
i use the general ftp-upload, custom ftp-upload isnt configured yet. The Main-button is set on (green led is flashed). if i start a test-upload, WD produce the graphics (screen flickers) and thats all, no uploading dialogue appears. in the directory webfiles some files would appear after this, but no html-file, only graphics- or text-files with html-code, is that ok?
here the ftpfulllog.txt:
list of files uploaded*
actual messages from upload session*
Permanent connection selected
Permanent connection, will do ftp now
Internet sharing…
Doing abort procedure/program close…
and here the ftplog.txt:
FTPUPD.EXE started at 22:40:00 12/10/04
agenda items to do…
Files to upload*
Local files: ./webfiles/.htm
Local files: ./webfiles/dailyhighlowbaroetc.png
Local files: ./webfiles/summary.png
Local files: ./webfiles/forecasticon.png
Local files: ./webfiles/localweather.png
Local files: ./webfiles/weatherbanner.png
Remote files: .htm
Remote files: dailyhighlowbaroetc.png
Remote files: summary.png
Remote files: forecasticon.png
Remote files: localweather.png
Remote files: weatherbanner.png
Program closed after 6 minutes time out
Error occured at: 22:51:14 12.10.2004
Program closed after 7 minutes time out
Error occured at: 22:52:14 12.10.2004
Program closed after 8 minutes time out
Error occured at: 22:53:14 12.10.2004
Program closed after 9 minutes time out
Error occured at: 22:54:14 12.10.2004
Program closed after 10 minutes time out
Error occured at: 22:55:14 12.10.2004
Program closed after 11 minutes time out
Error occured at: 22:56:14 12.10.2004
list of files uploaded*
FTPUPD.EXE finished at 22:56:15 12.10.2004
Time taken = 10.85 minutes
Total bytes uploaded = 0 K
list of files uploaded*
FTPUPD.EXE finished at 23:00:11 12.10.2004
Time taken = 0.00 minutes
Total bytes uploaded = 0 K
list of files uploaded*
FTPUPD.EXE finished at 23:13:20 12/10/04
Time taken = 0.02 minutes
Total bytes uploaded = 0 K
i will configure the custom ftp and see, whats happened… many thanks for your help,
but no html-fileok, that I can solve :wink: under the [i]setup, webfiles/webpage[/i] you need to name your html file. now it is currently .htm, so name it something, so it becomes like current.htm, for example why you are getting an error is a bit of a mystery... :? does your setup screen look like this
Internet sharing…
Doing abort procedure/program close…
try unticking internet sharing maybe? (in the connections setup)
Hello Vergil, Hello Brian,
i have resolved the upload-problem: if the individual ftp-/files setting is enabled, the upload dont works. when i switch the button on the setup-site for the individual ftp/files to off, the upload works. is there a possibility to upload nevertheless the graphs / pictures who set on this page?
the problem with the european chars