Got the files unpacked and installed and started the application. It never would establish communication witn my Davis WMII. I did restart the app when changing the com ports around. I know for a fact the com port is okay because I finally moved the UPS over to /dev/ttys1 and tried WD in previously good /dev/ttys0.
Amazingly, while messing around with WD, my X window completely locked up twice and I had to do a hard boot (like pushing the reset button). Thank goodness for the new journaling file system or my files would be toast by now.
that is odd… so WD would come up, it would just never recieve data?
I am using the Davis Vantage Pro and it comes up fine…
never had the freezing issue…
the only thing concerning the data, i do find sometimes that even though the correct com port is selected, you need to go and select the com port again while the progam is running…
you might check the wdiplay.ini, should look something like this at the top…
time=08:47:52 PM
[FTP program running]
[Program location]
[Weather Station Type]
Outside Temp/hum sensor=1
I just got off the phone with my linux buddy and I was describing this serial port problem to him. He mentioned that I might need to add a symlink depending on what Brian defined the serial ports as (/dev/ttys0, 1, 2 or something else /dev/tty/cu0 or whatever) If the program is not calling the right /dev, it won’t work.
Yes - the title bar of the program does come up with Davis WM II. That was an interesting thought about looking at the com port permissions. I changed mine to allow anybody rx. I had a /dev/ttyS0 and a /dev/ttys0 defined, so I changed both of them. Unfortunately I still have a communications error
Look in your /dev and tell me how your com 1 and com 2 are defined.
hum here are my permissions…
[code:1]crw-rw-rw- 1 root tty 3, 48 2001-04-14 20:43 ttys0
crw-rw-rw- 1 root tty 3, 49 2001-04-14 20:43 ttys1
anyone can read or write… I am not sure what else it could be since you said that the port is ok…
My buddy and I spent some time on the phone last night trying to troubleshoot the serial port issue with no success. It doesn’t appear that I’m going to be able WD going unfortunately.
I downloaded and compiled Meteo last night, so I’m going to see if I can’t get it going. I’ll play with that other utility program you mentioned as well.
A few days ago I tried to see if the Davis PC Link program would run under Wine, but alas not on my boxm - it will start but it doesn’t get very far. I did get PC Link happily running under Wine a few RH releases ago, but even then the com port thing was an issue. I didn’t spend much time troubleshooting the problem though.
Thanks for all the suggestions, Chris - I appreciate your time.
in case anyone is having problems with there com port permissions, i was wrong you should [code:1]chmod 777 /dev/ttyS0[/code:1] not a lower case S :oops:
I think mine would run a month too, if i let it :lol:
it is still odd that he doesn’t have the degree symbol… i have run linux WD on Mandrake, Debian, and now Slackware and I have any problems (not counting the ones I make )