Hello all,
I’m having a problem with errors on FTP upload of files to my website. The following is the ftplog.text:
list of files uploaded*
actual messages from upload session*
Start Time/date:12:42:29 AM 9/19/2004
Permanent connection selected
Permanent connection, will do ftp now
Finshed email agenda
Finshed email agenda, and more Internet agenda items to do…
Time/date:12:42:31 AM 9/19/2004
Logging onto FTP server…ftp.kk6rw.com
Connecting to FTP server.
220-=(<>)=-.:. (( Welcome to PureFTPd 1.0.12 )) .:.-=(<>)=-
220-You are user number 4 of 50 allowed.
220-Local time is now 03:42 and the load is 3.80. Server port: 21.
220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
331 User ------- OK. Password required
230-User ------ has group access to: ------
230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
CWD /public_html/wx
250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/wx
Checking for next FTP agenda…
there are 1 more things to do
Doing ftp upload
Checking there are files to upload
There are more files to upload
PORT 192,168,1,55,7,40
200 PORT command successful
STOR kk6rw.html
150 Connecting to port 5094
226-50016.9 Mbytes free disk space
226-File successfully transferred
226 0.578 seconds (measured here), 17.08 Kbytes per second
PORT 192,168,1,55,7,42
200 PORT command successful
STOR kk6rwdial.gif
150 Connecting to port 5095
226-50016.9 Mbytes free disk space
226-File successfully transferred
226 3.076 seconds (measured here), 8.00 Kbytes per second
PORT 192,168,1,55,7,44
200 PORT command successful
STOR dailyhighlowbaroetc.gif
150 Connecting to port 5096
226-50016.9 Mbytes free disk space
226-File successfully transferred
226 0.789 seconds (measured here), 20.58 Kbytes per second
PORT 192,168,1,55,7,46
500 Unknown command
141: 500 Unknown command
PORT 192,168,1,55,7,48
500 Unknown command
141: 500 Unknown command
PORT 192,168,1,55,7,50
500 Unknown command
141: 500 Unknown command
PORT 192,168,1,55,7,52
200 PORT command successful
STOR metar.gif
150 Connecting to port 5113
226-50016.9 Mbytes free disk space
226-File successfully transferred
226 0.544 seconds (measured here), 17.02 Kbytes per second
PORT 192,168,1,55,7,54
200 PORT command successful
STOR metar2.gif
150 Connecting to port 5114
226-50016.9 Mbytes free disk space
226-File successfully transferred
226 0.379 seconds (measured here), 15.56 Kbytes per second
PORT 192,168,1,55,7,56
200 PORT command successful
STOR forecasticon.gif
150 Connecting to port 5115
226-50016.9 Mbytes free disk space
226-File successfully transferred
226 2.476 seconds (measured here), 1.96 Kbytes per second
PORT 192,168,1,55,7,60
200 PORT command successful
STOR forecasticonstation.gif
150 Connecting to port 5117
226-50016.9 Mbytes free disk space
226-File successfully transferred
226 2.803 seconds (measured here), 1.73 Kbytes per second
PORT 192,168,1,55,7,62
200 PORT command successful
STOR localweather.gif
150 Connecting to port 5118
226-50016.9 Mbytes free disk space
226-File successfully transferred
226 2.631 seconds (measured here), 2.89 Kbytes per second
PORT 192,168,1,55,7,64
200 PORT command successful
STOR weatherbanner.gif
150 Connecting to port 5119
226-50016.9 Mbytes free disk space
226-File successfully transferred
226 0.496 seconds (measured here), 17.96 Kbytes per second
No more files to upload
All Agenda complete, doing FTP log off…
FTP logoff
221-Goodbye. You uploaded 93 and downloaded 0 kbytes.
Disconnected: [10053] Software caused connection abort
FTP error occured
FTP error, looking for next agenda item
221 Logout - CPU time spent: 0.020 seconds.
Doing abort procedure/program close…
Seems there is a problem in the FTP process but I cannot pin it down.
Any help would surely be appreciated.