Mine died just a little while ago. This time WD was no longer on the taskbar and but showed in Taskmgr processes (weatherd.exe). I guess watchdog tried to restart but couldnt becasue the process was still running. The computer system log shows a serial hardware failure right around the time it quit.
still ok here
i will keep an eye on it
but, i am using the usb to serial adaptor
what windows version chris
yes, i did it! i installed 10.19a and it runs for 10 hours for me too without problems. seems to be the right stuff, brian
resetting the ws2500-pc was a good hint. maybe this was even a hardware problem. don’t know, but i’m glad it works now.
bless you brian.
XP SP2. Using the DS9097U. I have two of them. One for HomeSeer and I swapped them around to be sure there was nothing wrong with the adaptor. Also tried other ports…I think I mentioned that already. I may order one of the usb adaptors just for kicks. thought about trying one anyway.
i do know that leo reports a similar thing,and he reports that 10.18 is OK
i wonder if XP decides, too much is happening with that com port, lets shut it down (maybe a spk2 thing)
i accidently stuffed up my soak test, had to restart it
hey, cute photo of the littlein!
it all seemed to start with me adding lead wetness and or the aag barometer fix
but, so far, only 2 reports of this occurence
thanks…how quickly they grow. truly amazing.
I may drop back a few versions…I think I remember it starting somewhere around 18L. I’ll let you know if the usb one works better. may take a little while for it to get here. let me know if you see something on the serial.
my soak test of wd and a vers 3 dallas 1 wire hs been going for over 24 hours now, no problems
not 1 error listed in the dallas 1 wire either (but then i only have the basic station setup)
with todys latest version still the same problem here!
After about 5 minutes running WD crashes.
Am using WIN 98 SE, direct serial port connection, VP with solar.
Still having problems here. I went down to 18c and still seeing issues. I havent tried any lower versions than 18c yet. Also waiting on the usb adapter to come in.
peter, did you say you have a davis VP?
you might have something corrupted in wd
install WD to a new directory
then save a file there (i.e type a few letters) in notepad.exe, called, 2wd
(i.e notepad.exe will save it as 2wd.txt)
in that directory
then start wd up in that directory
it then should start up as brand new
then set up the basics needed, and see how it goes, as a test
sorry for the dilay, but I was very busy the last four weeks.
So I did what you said, installed to a new directory and made only setup for com-port and station type, nothing else.
And that works.
But: how to find out, which of my regular settings are working ok for th old versions, but not for the actual ones???
I am using version 10.18 at three locations without any problems with the Dallas 1-wire extra sensors
[Solar in jam jar, soil, grass & Jim Jennings lightning detector]
My fourth station I just switched back to 10.18 today as it is a 3hr drive-will know results in a couple of days. This station was using 10.18c & had problem with com port not passing data after 24hrs or less.
The only way to get com port to function again was to reboot computer.
Interestingly even though com port stopped working it showed up as “OK” in device manager, go figure !!
there you go leo, there is another person having the same issue, crhisv
now, looking at the version history:
15th Oct 10.18d AAG baro routine re written. Its much better now. Should also fix the exit error associated with this.
so the problem started as soon as I added the aag baro reading directly into wd, instead of as a separate .exe file
I would say
so that must be the clue