WD and getting it on the web....correctly!?

Hi Brian, and yes a bit. Not worrying about modifying the templates to my specific site right now, just concerned about getting my data to display. The problem, today, is that the local NWS forecast is not showing up on the forecast page on my site ( www.warwickpaweather.net ) and the almanac times, the hi/low temp times are displaying incorrect. ALSO, should my wxlocalX.html pages convert to just wx.html when uploaded?? mine seem to be doing just that. if its wxlocal4.html, its wx4.html on in my directory.

Yes local means the local copy. It should convert it to whatever you told it to in the setup page. It looks correct. Did you upload the graphics to the web page? Or did you point the file to where your graphics are (http://www.warwickpaweather.net/ajax-images/night_clear.gif). Also is the forecast text file getting uploaded?


warwick, i recommend to use the customise internet and file creation setup (its an override) and there you set the times to create and upload the files needed, and the remote directory name needed (i.e so for wxlocal.html you can set the remote directory name needed (instead of the default wx.html)
also use a recent update of wd, as this all works better

I just took a look and it seems that your images that came with the templates are in your main directory with your html files, but the links are to an ajax-images directory that I don’t think exists yet. Moving them there will fix part of your problem. Then like Mark said, check whether you’re getting a forecast file downloaded for WD to read. Hang in there you’re making progress. - Jim

Sorry for the sporadic responses, but my days off this week have been few and far between. SLOWLY I’m getting things to work on my site. The main problem now is the current forecast and warnings. No matter what I select in WD, nothing seems to want to upload for viewing.

One thing to check is to make sure you’re using tgftp.nws.noaa.gov as the download site in your setup vice what may be in the documentation that came with the templates. This is a very recent change. - Jim

Slwoly things are getting on the site…I still, no matter what I do, can’t get the forecast to display…

Is the forecast text file getting uploaded? Or are you at least getting it to download??


Ahh, here you go. This link to the FAQs http://discourse.weather-watch.com/t/9168 should get you going, but you must use the new host name that I mentioned earlier. - Jim