WD 10.19j _ Sunrise/Sunset still remain

Just curious, where do the times come from for sunset and sunrise in the older versions?

always been there…there has always been the sun set/rise icon the summary image (optional)
but i now have it where you can set the minute before and after sunrise/set times to show it…and option to show on main screen or not
been a bit hard to nail this down correct (mainly due to too many other things going on here at the moment, lack of sleep, you name it)
but should be OK now

Sorry, I meant the actual time that WD used to determine when sunset or sunrise occurs…

see under view,sun moon rise/set

Ok, that’s what I thought.

Bad news I’m afraid…data shows 4:56 as my local sunset. At 4:26 the WD main icon changed to sunset. At 4:30 it changed back to partly sunny when the web update happened. Then at 4:31 it changed back to sunset. Web page shows partly sunny.

At 4:35 at the next update of the web page it switched back to partly sunny…4:36 switched back to sunset…

so the screen shot image is not capturing the sun set image////
i did not test that

The main WD display has the correct icon until the web update, then it switches the icon before the ftp process begins…the screen shot is what the main WD display is showing at the capture moment.

It’s now 5:01 and the main WD display is switching between sunset and nighttime…


have you considered the Japanese Character set for version letters?.. would make version numbers last longer than 26. I think they have several thousand characters in their alphabet. :roll:

Brian, I’m testing the sunset image right now with version 10.19m by forcing a sunset like you mentioned by changing longitude location and I don’t see any trouble. The icons seem to work for me. I even ticked to show in display and that works fine now. Now, I unticked it to not show in display and it goes right away. Never worked like this before. And the adjustment for either side of sunrise /sunset seems to work great too.

I think it might by fixed
thats good but i just need to fix the problem with the web screen shot....its doing something in that routine and then i am done on this one

WD v10.19n
Web file main screen shot shows Sunrise at the proper time.
Program main screen shot does not show Sunrise.


Today I am getting rain, and noticed the WD display icon flipping from the light rain icon to partly sunny at screen capture time. Web page shows partly sunny and reports Moderate drizzle. Just wanted to let Brian know this seems to affect all icons.

i did a quick test and could duplicate what you could see dan
email me your settings files dan…

confirm, no icon on main screen this morning (Italy 7:26 AM) WD 10.19n

I am still having problems with my new station and the sunrise icons. Sunset works fine, but sun rise shows the sunrise icon, and the goes back to the night time icon. You also loose the ability to right click on the forecast icon. Did you others with problems get it sorted out? If so, what did you do?
