Wap directory?

Can anyone tell me how I get the wap page put in its own directory?

I host my website on the same PC as WD, so no ftp needed/used, but I want the wap page to go into it’s own …/wap directory for ease of access.

Is there a way to set this up? I can’t see it


In Unix you can make a symbolic link and put it just about anywhere.

Not sure about Windows since I’ve never attempted to use a Windows box as a webhost.

Will a shortcut work?

I’m hosting on a windows box, and so a symlink won’t work.

I was kinda hoping that there was a way to do this with WD itself, if I was using ftp it would be a doddle.

Thanks anyway!

i would need to add into wd the ability to set the location for the wap file on your pc…
i will do that…

windy, that’d be great!

It’s so much better to be able to type wap.mywweatherpage.info than www.myweatherpage,info/index.wml


Again, I’m in the dark with hosting on windows but with apache, you can setup a virtual host that points almost anywhere.

<VirtualHost *:80>
        DocumentRoot    /www/vhosts/sample
        ServerName      www.sample.com
        ErrorLog        logs/sample.errors
        CustomLog       logs/sample.combined combined
<VirtualHost *:80>
        DocumentRoot    /www/vhosts/sample/wd/wap
        ServerName      wap.sample.com
        ErrorLog        logs/wap.errors
        CustomLog       logs/wap.combined combined

In the above example… www.sample.com home directory is /www/vhosts/sample but wap.sample.com is homed inside of that under /ww/vhosts/sample/wd/wap

Can you do something like that with Window’s web hosting?

Yes you can, I’m using apache

The issue isn’t apache, it’s with WD putting the wap file in the directory I want it in. Currently it just goes with everything else. Because of that you must identify the page to load ie www.mywx.info/index.wml

If it’s sat in it’s own directory then a simple URL will do ie wap.mywx,info

Windy’s planned upgrade will sort it out by enabling the wap page to be placed, by WD in its own directory.